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The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


Faculty provide refresher on retired classes

Faculty provide refresher on retired classes

Alexander Motter September 30, 2016

Trinity offers a great variety of classes, and sometimes a class offered one semester will be absent from the curriculum afterwards. For students interested in taking these unique subjects, it can be frustrating...

Vegans and Vegetarians seek alternatives

Vegans and Vegetarians seek alternatives

Alexander Motter September 25, 2016

Medical concerns, a healthier diet and animal advocacy: there are many reasons to consider pursuing vegetarianism or veganism. Meat does not have to be given up entirely, however; Mark Lewis of the computer...

9/11 still matters, even after 15 years

9/11 still matters, even after 15 years

Alexander Motter September 15, 2016

The 15th anniversary of 9/11 was this Sunday, and it's not that big of a deal. If you caught yourself agreeing with that statement, you're not alone. I was in the exact same position about a year ago. My...

Photo by Henry Pratt

On-campus shop offers affordable, trendy and practical merchandise

Alexander Motter September 15, 2016

As the big trifecta of window shopping - Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas - approaches, it can be easy to visit Macy's and other high-end department stores to fulfill all material desires. The on-campus...