My Trinity experience has been different from that of most of my peers– I never lived in the freshman quad, I didn’t experience the uncomfortableness known as Playfair, I never took writing workshop or first-year seminar, I climbed the tower on a cold January morning … but most importantly, for me, Trinity was my second chance.
I won’t lie, transferring to Trinity halfway through sophomore year was terrifying. I didn’t know anyone. I was scared. I got lost on campus more times than I’d like to admit (thanks Mom for carrying around a Trinity map and always answering my panicked phone calls). I was the new girl and I didn’t know where I would fit in. But I was determined to make it work.
Today, looking back at where I was when I first transferred is like looking at a different person. I was determined to make it work, but I had no idea then that it was going to work so well. I put myself out there and found my place, but I can’t take all the credit. I have so many people to thank for making my second chance the best decision of my life thus far.
MY PARENTS. Words cannot express how grateful I am for their support and love along this journey. When my first college didn’t work out, then didn’t give up on me. When I was convinced that things wouldn’t get better, they forced me to get out there and make them better myself. Mom and Dad, you guys are my rock. I can’t even find the words to tell you how much I love you and appreciate you.
KATHARINE MARTIN, TOMMIE ETHINGTON, MATT KAFOURY & THE REST OF THE TRINITONIAN STAFF. During Transfer Student Orientation, I signed up for the Trinitonian internship class looking for a way to get involved. I never would have predicted that I’d end up as managing editor just a year later. I have learned so much working on this wonderful paper and I have found some of my best friends in the process. Matt- spending summer days with you in the newsroom may have seemed awful to anyone else, but I’m so glad we had that time together. I love you! Tommie- you were the one who encouraged me to take a leap and apply for sports editor, and you’ve had my back ever since. I love you and I couldn’t imagine working with anyone else. And K-Mart- you have been like my mother away from home. Thanks for listening to me rant and complain on a daily basis. But mostly thank you for believing in me and teaching me so much over these last two and a half years. I appreciate you more than you know. And to the rest of the staff, thank you for dealing with me, trusting me and helping me along the way. I am so grateful to have a working and personal relationship with all of you.
DR. JACOB TINGLE. You took my college education in a direction that I didn’t even know was possible. Thank for pioneering the sports management program and truly helping me find my calling in life. You unwavering support has meant so much to me and I can’t wait to nail that perfect job and email you right away. You’ve truly impacted my college career and I can’t thank you enough.
CHI BETA EPSILON PC “˜10. Thank you for taking a chance on the random transfer student. Thank you for never letting me eat a meal alone my entire first month at Trinity. Thank you for welcoming me into your group and making me part of the most amazing group of women I know. I can’t imagine my life at Trinity without the Betas and it all started because you gave me a chance. I never thought I’d say this, but thank goodness for Delt Bowling, ELLEE COOK’s purse and the persistence of ASHLEY HARRIS because they all played a part in me finding my place at Trinity, as a member of Chi Beta Epsilon.
XBE PC’ 11. You ladies (whether you wanted to or not) became my first best friends at Trinity– orientation was hard, but going through it with you made it worth it. MADISON McMAHON- thanks for agreeing to be my roommate after knowing me for less than a day, resulting in one of the greatest friendships I’ve ever had. LISA TUCCI- thanks for showing me how to be strong and redefining a survivor for me. CLAIRE PALMER and SKYE CORNELIA- thanks for taking me under your wing (even though you were freshmen) and making me feel at home. To all of you, thanks for the late nights in North 151, especially Tuesdays. But mostly thank you for always loving me and supporting me– even when I messed up (thanks for taking care of me on my 21st and finding me the next day). #PCSHITSHOW/HEADFOREVER
XBE PC “˜12 & “˜13. Thank you for trusting me. Thank you for giving me the confidence that this sorority is going to continue a legacy of smart, independent, beautiful and talented women. You ladies make me so proud. I can’t wait to come back and see what amazing things you have all done, as a club and individually. Specifically, SARAH GAMBELL- thank you for being the best little a sorority girl could ask for… as cheesy as that sounds, I know you’ll love it. To quote you, “you are the peanut butter to my jelly.” But seriously, we are so different, yet it works so well. Thanks for always knowing how to cheer me up and for always, always having my back. I love you! ANEISSA URIAS AND ALISON JAMES- Thank you for being my partners in crime. Thanks for remembering the stuff that I don’t (except for that one time- I blame Luke Shover!) and for never judging me. You guys were my escape from the stress and it may seem like nothing, but trust me it got me through a lot. ANNIE CARRERA- thanks for being the best partner out there, I don’t know any other girl that would play as dirty as we played. Here’s the to the nights we won, and the nights we lost, but didn’t lose “it all.” I love you! KAILEIGH PHILLIPS and KATIE THAMM- I am so proud to be your predecessor and I can’t wait for you to feel the rush and excitement that is Bid Day as rush chair. I know you will do great and I fully expect alumni invites to the events. To all of my sisters that I’m leaving, I love you more than you could ever know. XBE LOVE FOREVER.
Finally, thank you TRINITY for being my second chance and truly becoming my second home for the last two and a half years. Leaving is so bittersweet, but the memories and friendships will be with me forever. There are not enough pages in this newspaper for me to thank everyone and acknowledge every moment that made my Trinity experience so incredible. But if you are taking the time to read this, you probably impacted me in some way and for that I am so grateful.
Trinity, I love you. Thanks for the second chance. I can honestly say that I now believe “everything happens for a reason.” Leaving Southwestern and finding Trinity proves that. I am so lucky to have had the experience I did, after all; “Good things fall apart so better things can fall together.”