SS Christian Muscarello, #3
Hometown: Tucson, Arizona
Major: Business and communication with a minor in sports management
Position: Shortstop
No. 13 on Trinity’s record list for 65 hits in 2012 season; No. 5 with 20 doubles in 2011 season; No. 7 with 18 in 2012.
What was the highlight moment of your athletic career at Trinity and why?
Hitting a walk-off home run against Centenary my sophomore year after hitting a home run earlier in the day on the first pitch of the game is the one personal memory that has continued to stand out among the others. Being a hero of a game like that was a special moment that I will always remember even years after I am done playing.
What is your favorite or funniest tradition that your team had?
Playing pranks on one another is always a good time. Whether it be on the field, in the locker room, on road trips or just outside of baseball, people always look forward to whatever kind of prank will be pulled and on whom.
What other organizations were you a part of at Trinity?
Loon-E-Crew. Whaddup.
Do you plan to continue playing baseball after college?
If I get the opportunity to play, then I would love to. Some MLB teams have come out to look at me a little, but it will all depends on whether or not a pro team is willing to take a chance on me.
What does it mean to you to have started basically every game of your Trinity career?
It just shows that I have been pretty consistent for my four years here. I started for four years in high school as well, so to be able to continuously keep myself in lineups is something that I am very proud of.
Which game was the most heated/intense?
A game this year against Southwestern has been the most heated of my Trinity career. There were a lot of intentionally hit batters, and emotions from both dugouts were running high. The benches cleared at one point and both coaches got in each other’s faces. It was definitely a fun game to be a part of.