Tiger TV, Trinity’s TV Station, has three student-produced shows: “Newswave,” “The Not So Late Show” and “Studio 21.” The station runs two channels, 14.1 and 15.1 “” the latter can only be accessed from inside campus “” and a Vimeo page that streams all shows on 14.1. The station is completely student-run, and staff members learn by doing and from each other, gaining valuable technical skills along the way.
Senior Ronja Behrends is the station manager for Tiger TV.
“Station Manager is kind of the person who oversees all the other management positions and the three shows, and I’m the liaison between the communication department and the station itself. I do a lot of the budgeting and preparation, and running meetings, and just kind of making sure that the whole station is running smoothly,” Behrends said.
Senior computer science major Timothy Zhang is the web manager for Tiger TV. He is in charge of both the Tiger TV website and its Vimeo page.
“As web manager, you are in charge of the entire website, which can be a lot, but it’s manageable. It’s pretty fun. You get to control what the site looks like, and making it look great, and I love doing that. Some drawbacks include that, if something goes wrong with the website, everyone points their finger at you. But you can answer back and you can fix the problems and when you see the website in its final state after you’ve made all those changes to it, you feel proud about yourself. You feel a sense of accomplishment,” Zhang said.
Senior Sarah Davis is the executive producer for “Newswave,” a news show that features current events in San Antonio, the United States and the world.
“Generally, we do a local news section, which is all San Antonio news; we do national and international news, then we have a sports segment and entertainment segment. We have a “Tiger critic,” who reviews a movie or a TV show, we do weather and we do [“¦] events that happen on campus,” Davis said.
Viewers can catch “Newswave” live every Friday at 3 p.m. Other show times include Saturday through Monday at 12 a.m., 9 a.m. and 3 p.m.; and Fridays at 12 a.m., 9 a.m. and 2:30 p.m.
According to Behrends, “The Not So Late Show,” on the other hand, is of a more lighthearted genre.
“Not So Late Show is kind of like the other end of the spectrum; it’s kind of what we’ve themed like the comedy show of the three. It’s kind of like, late-night talk show meets SNL. So, there’s like [“¦] comedy-banter-type segments, we always do an interview with someone from the Trinity community”¦ Other than that, it’s a lot of very free fun,” Behrends said.
Viewers can catch “The Not So Late Show” live every Thursday at 4:30 p.m. Other show times include everyday at 12:30 a.m., 9:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m.
According to Zhang, “Studio 21″ is a pop-culture themed show, where viewers can get updates on their favorite celebrities along with a dose of humor.
“Studio 21 is like a pop-culture news [show], and it has a comedic element to it based on people’s opinions on pop-culture, like people argue about what their favorite show is, some argue about certain pop artists or things like that”¦ so it’s an entertainment show, and it’s also a lot of bantering and there’s a lot of opinion in it,” Zhang said.
Viewers can catch “Studio 21″ live every Tuesday at 4:30 p.m. Other show times are every day at 1 a.m., 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.
Besides the three student-produced shows, Tiger TV’s second channel features movies. These films are selected by the program manager, junior mathematics major Zachary Wooten.
“Every month we get to show up to ten new movies on our channels. This month we’re planning on Jurassic World. We had to make a second channel, 15.1, because we started streaming 14.1, which was our original channel [“¦] So the original channel has all the Tiger TV stuff, and it used to have the movies. But, when we started streaming it, we got into trouble with copyright issues, so we ended up making a separate channel with just the movies, and a separate channel with all of Trinity’s stuff,” Wooten said.
According to the Tiger TV website, “In 2010, TigerTV unveiled its renovated digital HD facilities. The new, state-of-the art studios include broadcast quality high-definition video production and recording equipment and an enlarged production control facility. The studio supports up to five HD cameras and has a new 20-foot green-screen wall, as well as the latest DMX lighting systems. A satellite newsroom area includes two robotic HD cameras and a standard-definition interview area. A new satellite dish and arrangement with CNN allows students to access CNN news feeds for broadcast.”
“We have amazing equipment. I don’t think a lot of people have any idea how much equipment we have, how high quality it is and how much access we have to it. We have an entire equipment checkout room that is only for communication majors, people taking communication classes, and Tiger TV. [“¦] We are able to rent it out for two days at any point in the semester and create something, and we have all the tools to do that,” Davis said.
Students can get involved in Tiger TV through the internship class, COMM-1131, volunteering or auditioning to be on camera. Formal auditions are held in August and January, but anyone interested in being involved does not necessarily have to start at the beginning of a new semester. They can email tigertv@trinity.edu or click the “Get Involved” link on the Tiger TV website.