Do you remember the day you decided to apply to Trinity? Do you remember why? Maybe you were impressed by a particular academic department, or a coach recruited you for a sports team. Maybe you liked the location. Maybe it was where your finger landed after playing eenie-meenie-miney-mo with your list of possible schools. Regardless of each individual’s thought process, all 660 members of the Class of 2020 came to the same conclusion: “Trinity is where I belong.”
The theme of this Trinitonian issue is based on a message stenciled on sidewalks around campus. We challenge you to to embark on this journey we call college with that message in mind. No two people come to Trinity with the same background, experiences, opinions or points of view, so we all contribute something no one else can. You belong in conversations, debates, social events, classes you may think you know nothing about, athletic competitions, nacho hours, theatre performances, academic clubs, hall meetings and tower climbs.
You belong here this week because the people you meet, the goals you set and the dreams you discover that you never knew you had will inspire you to learn, think, care, work and achieve in ways you never thought possible. Show why you belong in every place and conversation you find yourself in.
The places you belong can also be more specific. Find a group, a club, a team or an interest where you thrive. You will encounter people you otherwise wouldn’t and realize what vast potential you posses.
We are reminding you that you belong, but sometimes you won’t be so convinced this is true. You are starting a new life in a new place and it is only natural to have some feelings of doubt or uncertainty. While you might be missing home over the next few weeks, by winter break you will be a little sad to go back.
In the 24 pages of this newspaper, you will find information about your classmates, campus and the community you will be calling home for the next four years. Students from all grades, majors and experience levels have worked together to encourage and excite you about your first week of college. Take it from us: you’re going to have some awkward icebreaker games, days where nothing makes sense and times where you completely fail and have to start again to get something right. Laugh together at the awkwardness. Ask your questions. Learn from your failures and be proud of your successes.
Welcome to Trinity, Class of 2020!