The following covers the SGA meeting on Sept. 5.
Junior senator Simone Washington suggested taking action regarding rumors surrounding Stacey Davidson’s departure. President Amulya Deva, senior, agreed that they should discuss what steps to take after the meeting.
Sophomore senator Nick Pareida expressed concern with the broken elevator in Dick and Peggy Prassel Hall.
Junior senator Ty Tinker, chair of the Textbook Affordability Committee, reported that he met with Tess Coody-Anders, vice president for Strategic Communication and Marketing, regarding online bookstore options. He expressed optimism moving forward.
Registered-student organizations (RSOs) are given the opportunity to request funds during the Fall after University-sponsered organizations (USO) have been awarded funds. Following the budget requests from USOs, SGA has a projected $113,000 to award to RSOs throughout the 2018-19 school year.
TUFit: The health club requested $1503.64. The Student Government Association (SGA) approved the amount of $741.88, rejecting the clubs request for funds for veggie trays, gift cards and t-shirts and voting to halve the amount requested to pay yoga and fitness instructors.
TEDxTrinityUniversity requested $5,075.60 to send two members to a conference in Palm Springs. SGA approved the amount of $2,557.60, subsidizing half the cost of the trip.
The Filipino Student Association requested $2,292.53 to fund Mabuhay, an annual live cultural show. SGA approved an amount of $1,932.48, deciding to pay only half of the cost of t-shirts.
Alpha Phi Omega (APO) requested $1,229.12 to send two delegates to a national APO convention, a requirement to maintain their charter. SGA approved the full amount.
Officer Reports
Deva asked for a member to represent students on the University Curriculum Council. Junior senator Ben Gonzales volunteered.
Chief-of-staff Cecilia Turkewitz reminded every member of SGA to be deputized to register voters on National Voter Registration Day.