This week at the Trinitonian, we’re celebrating Halloween. Reactions seem polarized — everyone is either really excited or couldn’t care less. Whether you love Halloween or hate it, try to take a step back and consider it from the other perspective.
Several of your peers may not have grown up celebrating Halloween. Last year, we wrote an article where we interviewed students who either no longer celebrated Halloween or didn’t discover what it was until they came to Trinity. Some come from backgrounds where Halloween is discouraged or is not practiced, while others don’t find time for it anymore in the busy rush of midterms. While some of us can’t imagine our childhoods without wearing the annual extremely elaborate costume sewn by our moms and choose to dress up in that tradition, others may choose to catch up on Halloween movies now that they’re in college.
Why do people love Halloween so much? We think it’s because we’re embracing our last chance to be kids again. We’re in this weird, in-between stage of not really being adults and trying to cling to the fading idea of being young and free. This is our excuse to dress up like something completely different from our normal selves, to watch scary movies all day and to eat candy whenever we want. We should embrace it.
In our Halloween special section, you’ll find tips for last minute do-it-yourself costumes and what not to wear so that you aren’t problematic at parties. Read opinions on the best and worst horror movies from your peers.
At Trinity, you can find several ways to celebrate this fall festivity if you so choose. The Trinity Review puts on an annual scary story reading contest. Student Ambassadors put on the Great First-Year Pumpkin Party. You can watch students perform the Rocky Horror Picture Show. And of course, there’s the infamous Haunted Hall that the Swashbucklers put on each year. There’s no shortage of things to do to celebrate the season.
And last of all, be safe out there, Tigers. We’re all hoping the scary clown epidemic from 2016 doesn’t make a comeback. But seriously, stay spooky, but not too spooky.