Becoming a student leader during COVID-19
Holding a leadership position is much more complex than it’s ever been. Everyone is Zoom fatigued, in and out of meetings all day, and harder to engage. One could begin to wonder if being a student leader during such an unusual time is worth the difficulties that come with the uncertainty of the pandemic.
While the graduating seniors had their typical Trinity career cut short, we, at the very least, had three years of being a “normal” college student on campus. We know the traditions, the clubs, the people who are involved. We know what it’s like to be thrown in the fountain on our birthdays, and we’ve seen the San Antonio skyline while dining on the second floor of the Coates University Center.
So what if you’re a lowerclassmen whose only experience with student involvement is via Zoom? How can students envision themselves to be a leader when the only familiarity they have with campus events is what they’re allowed to see on their computer screens?
For Trinity to “return to normal again,” we’ll need young pioneering students who’ll keep the campus culture alive. Senior students have had no choice but to adapt to the chaotic challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, and because of their diligent work, there is now a bit of an infrastructure for newer students to build off of.
If you’re a student who won’t be graduating this semester, consider running for a leadership position during your time left at Trinity. We can’t necessarily predict where the pandemic will lead us, but Trinity students are the glue that keeps this campus running.
Maybe you’ve felt too isolated from the rest of the community to get involved; chances are, you’re not the only one who feels that way. If you see lack, then why not step up and begin creating a community space for other students like you?
As the pandemic continues and vaccines begin rolling out, think about how you could take part in helping TU become a tighter-knit community, even while 6 feet apart.