Previously, on SGA: First funding requests and new senior senator
The following covers the meeting on Sept. 7.
All Student Government Association (SGA) meetings are open to the public. Five first-year students were in attendance.
Climate check:
President Danny Nguyen opened the meeting by announcing a 10-minute time limit on climate check in order to ensure that there would be sufficient time for all items on the schedule.
Sophomore Senator Ani Siva began climate check with a concern from a student who was told by a Mabee employee that the bags of milk aren’t dated, which has resulted in some people drinking spoiled milk. Senator Siva said that he himself had once been a victim of the spoiled milk and stated he would email Charles Robles, food services director.
Sophomore Senator Ella Charbonnet asked about the possibility of tea being served at Mabee in the mornings. Senator Charbonnet suggested providing hot water with tea bags on the side and stated that she would email Robles.
Legislative Relations Chair Dario Leal offered an update on the parking issue raised at the SGA meeting last week, stating that he has been trying to contact Paul Chapa, assistant vice president of public safety-enterprise risk management. Legislative Relations Chair Leal plans to send Chapa an email.
Legislative Relations Chair Leal also inquired about the TVs in Mabee Dining Hall and why they have been moved to face the wall. According to Advisor Demi Brown, TVs around campus are currently being updated, which is a likely explanation.
Legislative Relations Chair Leal raised a concern about vending machines overcharging students, citing his experience with two vending machines in Thomas that charged him $5 and $3 for water respectively. Advisor Brown recommended emailing Bruce Bravo, senior director of conferences and auxiliary services.
DEI Chair Avery Lim brought up questions from City Vista residents who wondered whether the red bins that were available during move-in could be used or checked out by residents. President Nguyen said that he has seen some of those bins lingering around and suggested that residents check with the City Vista lobby and community managers.
Senator Charbonnet offered an ice cream machine update, stating that dining services attempted to repair it by calling in a repair specialist to look at the perpetually broken machine on Sept. 6 and ordered parts from a restaurant. Senator Charbonnet had not yet received confirmation about whether the machine is operational. President Nguyen suggested the possibility of placing a plaque in Senator Charbonnet’s honor above the ice cream machine when she graduates and said that Robles had mentioned buying her a personal ice cream machine when she leaves Trinity.
President Nguyen offered an update on the feminine product initiative, stating that Chief of Staff Emily King, Vice President Donya Ahmadi, Senator Charbonnet and himself had a meeting with a vendor for feminine product dispensers. President Nguyen emailed Ernesto Gonzales, associate director of facilities services, to ask if facilities services could install the machines, but does not expect to receive an answer until at least Sept. 12, when Gonzales is back in the office.
Senator Siva brought up a concern about some items in the POD that students are having trouble purchasing with their meal plans. Legislative Relations Chair Leal stated that meal swipes cannot be used to purchase inedible items. Advisor Brown suggested that Senator Siva reach out to Robles via email.
First-year Diya Contractor mentioned that when Einstein’s is busy it is difficult for customers to hear their order being called out and suggested using the TVs in Coates to display order numbers. Advisor Brown said it would be good to ask about the possibility of implementing a number system at Einstein’s. Legislative Relations Chair Leal said that part of the reason that Einstein’s has been slow recently is that the manager has moved to the new Sandwich Shack, but that according to dining services workers, Einstein’s may soon test out a number system. President Nguyen advised emailing both Robles and Bravo and mentioned that they would both be special guests at a SGA meeting on Oct. 26.
Sophomore Senator Andrew Phillips raised a concern about cleanliness in common areas and noted that in Prassel, the first-floor foyer has not been dusted and that there was a trash pile up on the third floor. President Nguyen suggested submitting a work order and contacting Bravo. Advisor Brown stated that the university was working on improving housekeeping in common areas.
Senator Siva mentioned that the elevator in Miller smells bad and that despite a work order being filed, nothing has been done about the smell. Senator Siva said that he would reach out to Bravo.
Legislative Relations Chair Leal asked if there had been any update about the initiative to increase student pay. Senator Siva informed the Senate that he was working on drafting an email and offered to CC Legislative Relations Chair Leal. Legislative Relations Chair Leal mentioned that he had a discussion with faculty members on the DEI Advisory Council who were on board with the initiative.
Sophomore Senator Allison Waters inquired whether students working for the Trinitonian were paid the same as student workers. President Nguyen explained that Campus Publications receive USO funding and that funds allocated to university-sponsored organizations can be increased for the next school year.
Advisor Brown left at the end of climate check and reminded the Senate that next week is Advisor Thompson’s birthday.
Interim senator election:
The Senate voted on whether to appoint Elizabeth McNeely, senior neuroscience major, as the Interim Senator to fill the vacant class of 2023 senator position. McNeely spoke to the Senate about her interest in serving on SGA, citing her desire to make campus a better place and her hopes to both create support systems on campus for students struggling with mental health and make resources more accessible.
The Senate unanimously voted to instate McNeely as Interim Senator for the class of 2023. No one abstained.
Senate funding:
The Prowlers Dance Team requested funding for uniforms and supplies totaling $4,384.59. The funds will be used to purchase new field costumes and poms — the current poms have given dance members pink eye — as well as tanks and sweaters. Senator Charbonnet motioned to fully fund the Prowlers Dance team and the motion passed.
The Society of Women Engineers (SWE) requested a total of $4,805.27 to pay for travel, housing and meals in order to send some of their members to the SWE Conference in Houston. SWE has gotten partial funding from SGA in the past for this conference. Senator Phillips moved to partially fund SWE $3,305.35. The motion was seconded by Junior Senator Danae Barkocy and passed with two opposed and none abstaining.
Officer reports:
President Nguyen offered an update on the 210U initiative stating that SGA would potentially host a lunch to meet with the SGAs of University of the Incarnate Word, St. Mary’s University, The University of Texas at San Antonio and San Antonio College on the last Sunday of September.
President Nguyen also informed the Senate that SGA would be hosting Nacho Hour on Sept. 21 to give students the opportunity to meet the Senators.
President Nguyen reminded the Senate that the 1869 Scholars deadline was extended to Sept. 8 at midnight and that SGA members were highly encouraged to apply.
Vice President Ahmadi requested that Senators repost SGA’s Instagram post about funding.
Judicial Chair Harrison Good closed out the meeting with a request for clarification on the dress code.

My name is Alejandra, and I'm a senior majoring in Neuroscience. I initially joined the Trinitonian as a first-year and worked my way up from a Sports...