Previously, on SGA: The truth about the reported gunshots outside of City Vista
The following covers the meeting on Jan. 18
Climate Check:
President Danny Nguyen opened climate check by offering clarification on reports of City Vista residents hearing gunshots followed by screaming. According to President Nguyen, the gunshots went off somewhere in the Olmos Park neighborhood surrounding City Vista, and the scream that residents heard came from a student who had a nightmare and coincidentally screamed after the gunshots were fired. President Nguyen stated that, as the gunshots occurred in the surrounding neighborhood, the incident is “not in [Trinity University’s] jurisdiction.”
Sophomore Senator Ani Siva asked about first steps towards creating a special SGA committee focused on university dining. President Nguyen requested that Senator Siva email him on the topic.
Senator Andrew Phillips announced that the Constitutional Review Committee would be meeting on Jan. 21 to look over SGA’s bylaws and constitution. The Senate will vote on any proposed changes.
President Nguyen asked whether the ice cream machine in Mabee Dining Hall is working. Sophomore Senator Ella Charbonnet responded that she had not reached out to Charles Robles, food service director, about the ice cream machine.
Senator Charbonnet gave an update on the menstrual product dispensers, stating they have been delivered. Senator Charbonnet and Vice President Donya Ahmadi will meet with Ernesto Gonzalez, associate director of facilities services, to determine the final placement of the dispensers.
Officer Reports:
President Nguyen began officer reports by announcing that attending the inauguration of Vanessa Beasley, Trinity president, on Feb. 11 will be compulsory for SGA members. President Nguyen made all present senators RSVP to the investiture during the meeting.
President Nguyen reported that applications for the open Class of 2024 Senator position are due Jan. 22, and that the Senate will vote on candidates at the next SGA meeting. At the time of this meeting, there were two candidates.
President Nguyen offered an update on the committee working towards installing a wellness vending machine on campus. The proposed vending machine will be housed indoors at a location that is open 24/7 for student access. The proposed vending machine will offer
cough medicines, Plan B, Covid-19 tests and pregnancy tests which students will be able to pay for using TigerBucks. The transaction history of the machine will be private to protect individuals’ privacy.
President Nguyen also offered an update on the potential partnership between Trinity University and Apple. This initiative is currently in the data collection phase.
President Nguyen noted that SGA’s SPURS event at the Alamodome was a success.
Senator Siva asked whether Aramark or facilities services will be providing the supplies for the wellness vending machine. President Nguyen stated that the current proposal is that student workers would be the ones to restock the vending machine. Sophomore Senator Allison Waters asked whether stocking contraception and having students restock the vending machine could pose liability issues for the university. President Nguyen stated that the general university council has already looked over the proposal and that there should be no legality issues regarding Plan B because Plan B is a birth control pill, not an abortion pill.
Treasurer Conrad Jarvis announced that SGA’s Instagram made a funding post that senators need to re-post. Treasurer Caterina Mora Androver suggested posting a reminder about the deadline to apply for funding.
LRC Dario Leal announced that he would be taking part in two faculty search committees to find a new FYE coordinator — with a goal of hiring someone by April — and a vice president for inclusive engagement.
President Nguyen stated that he and Senator Charbonnet are on the search committee for a vice president of student affairs – a position that would take on the responsibilities of Sheryl Tynes, vice president for student life, as Tynes transitions into full time teaching.
Advisor Demi Brown asked if the makeup of the search committees was shared with students. President Nguyen stated that the members of the committees are not confidential, but that the information was only shared with faculty and staff.
President Nguyen announced that in the coming weeks there may be a SGA meeting on a Friday afternoon instead of a Wednesday, in order to facilitate the attendance of Ron Nirenberg, mayor of San Antonio, as city council meetings are held on Wednesday nights.

My name is Alejandra, and I'm a senior majoring in Neuroscience. I initially joined the Trinitonian as a first-year and worked my way up from a Sports...