Previously, on SGA: Missing ice-cream machine and TU Snaps controversy
The following covers the meeting on March 22.
All Student Government Association meetings are open to the public. One student was in attendance.
Climate Check:
Sophomore Senator Ella Charbonnet opened climate check with a question about the status of the new ice cream machine. President Danny Nguyen stated that the machine was supposedly delivered to the warehouse two weeks ago but never showed up. Senator Charbonnet asked for an email contact, and President Nguyen directed her to reach out to Ernesto Gonzalez, associate director of facilities services, as the new machine is a university capital project. Senator Charbonnet stated that the installment of the new machine is a part of her reelection campaign.
Junior Senator Nadesh Vaithianathan asked for an update on the free laundry initiative. President Nguyen stated that he has received confirmation from Advisor Demi Brown and residential life that laundry will be free next school year. President Nguyen also stated that students and their families should have received notice that there will be a roughly 4.5% increase in tuition and a $300-400 increase in room and board for next school year. He also stated that students can anticipate the student activity fee may increase by $30 to 40 in the next few years.
First-year Senator Sameed Aijaz reported hearing that the menstrual product dispenser in the Coates Library was empty. Senator Charbonnet stated that she will be refilling the dispenser in question as the volunteer responsible for refilling the machine has “ghosted” her. Sophomore Senator Ani Siva recommended reaching out to Marcy Youngdahl, director of integrated counseling and health services, to involve the health clinic interns in restocking the menstrual products.
Senator Siva announced that the first student dining advisory committee meeting would be held that evening. Senator Siva also reported that the dining transition committee is working to market and advertise what Chartwells will be providing for Trinity. He also stated that any questions about the new dining providers could be directed to him (
Sophomore Senator Harrison Tinker stated his opinion that the “meat lovers pizza” picture circulating on TU Snaps is clearly staged, and that the image is bread with tomato sauce and chicken. President Nguyen stated that the account known as TU Snaps is not affiliated with the university.
President Nguyen stated that Chartwells will officially be Trinity’s dining provider as of June 1, although the transition, including construction, will begin in May. Senator Siva confirmed that catering through Chartwells will be available during the summer for those on campus.
Senator Charbonnet reported hearing speculation about dining changes in Coates Student Center. Senator Siva summarized the changes outlined during the Chartwells town hall meeting.
Senate Funding:
Senator Vaithianathan, Senator Siva and Avani Raol presented a request on behalf of the South Asian Student Association (SASA) for $4879.03 to pay for food, a DJ, T-shirts, water guns, water tubs and powder for their annual Holi celebration. The event will be held on March 31 at 3:00 p.m. on Prassel lawn, and the organization expects over 250 students to attend. Sophomore Senator Allison Waters motioned to fully fund SASA $4879.03. Senior Senator Elizabeth McNeely seconded and the motion passed with three abstaining.
Andrew Duong, team president, requested $1,800 dollars on behalf of the men’s ultimate frisbee team to cover the cost of their hotel stay and provide a food stipend for their regional tournament. If the team performs well at the sectionals tournament in Houston, 20 players will attend regionals in Tulsa, Oklahoma from April 29-30. In the event that the team does not advance the fund would be returned to the student activity fund. Senator Siva motioned to fully fund men’s ultimate frisbee $1,800. Junior Senator Danae Barkocy seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
Logan Crews (Loon-E Crew), Angela Graf (Swing Bums) and Emma Turner (Prowlers) requested $2445.07 to fund Momentum, a dance showcase that is a collaboration between the three organizations. The Momentum showcase will be a resurrected tradition that hasn’t happened since 2019. The show will occur on April 21-22 at 7 p.m. in Laurie Auditorium. The requested fund will cover the cost of marketing, tickets and costumes — including an emergency costume budget to help participants who have to purchase items they are expected to purchase for themselves. Senator Aijaz asked if SGA funds costumes. Vice President Donya Ahmadi confirmed that costumes are different from club T-shirts as they are considered essential. Senator Siva motioned to fully fund Momentum $2,445.07. Senator Aijaz seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
Mia Kholy presented a request on behalf of the Muslim Student Association (MSA) for $4,550 to fund catered community iftars – the after-sunset fast-breaking meal during Ramadan — and H-E-B gift cards for suhoor — the meal before dawn before fasting begins during Ramadan. MSA will be hosting three collaborative iftars that will be open to Muslim and non-Muslim students. MSA will be collaborating with SASA, the Vietnamese Student Association and Chapel | Spiritual Life. They will also be giving out $100 H-E-B gift cards to Muslim students so that they can purchase food for suhoor because Mabee dining hall and the POD aren’t open at that time.
Senator Charbonnet, after multiple failed attempts to file or second a motion for the previous funding requests, successfully motioned to fully fund MSA $4,550. Senator Siva seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
Officer Updates:
President Nguyen announced that his 210U University proposal for a cross-city SGA alliance is finally happening. The local universities participating in the alliance are Trinity University, University of Incarnate Word, St. Mary’s University and University of Texas at San Antonio. The program will be funded by Trinity’s office of inclusive excellence and the first meeting will occur next Saturday, April 1 at 2 p.m.
President Nguyen reviewed campaigning guidelines for the 2023-24 SGA elections.
Vice President Ahmadi announced that she will be graduating.

My name is Alejandra, and I'm a senior majoring in Neuroscience. I initially joined the Trinitonian as a first-year and worked my way up from a Sports...