Previously, on SGA: One last time
The following covers the last SGA meeting of the school year on April 19.
Climate Check:
There was nothing reported during climate check.
Officer Reports:
President Danny Nguyen announced that SGA would be posting an end-of-year review including information on everything which SGA funded this year on Instagram.
USO Funding:
SGA divided budget presentations from university-sponsored organizations (USOs) over three meetings. On April 19, the Senate heard two USO budget presentations and two emergency funding requests, then voted on funding for all nine USOs.
Alyssa White and Lee Denney presented a budget proposal on behalf of the Mirage for $44,152, which included a budget increase to account for an 8% increase in printing costs. During deliberations, sophomore Senator Andrew Phillips cited several issues he noted in past editions of the yearbook and stated that he felt the product was not worth the production cost. Per the Campus Publications Charter, SGA cannot fund Mirage less than the five-year average of their budget. Senator Phillips motioned to fund the Mirage the amount of their five-year average, $42,043.60. Sophomore Senator Ella Charbonnet seconded and the motion passed with one opposed (junior Senator Danae Barkocy) and two abstaining (senior Senator Kyle Rubovits and first-year Senator Molly Van Ackeren).
Student Programming Board (SPB)
Nicole Walko and Melissa Rosario presented a budget proposal on behalf of SPB for $172,130. During their presentation, Walko and Rosario acknowledged that an advisor transition meant that they had to cancel their annual concert and as a result they had $40,307.40 remaining in their 2022-23 budget despite reallocating the concert fund to other events. SPB has already begun planning their annual concert for the 2023-24 school year, which is reflected in their budget request. During deliberations, Senator Phillips suggested that there may need to be more oversight during concert planning to make sure planning remains on track; Senator Phillips acknowledged that the canceled concert was not the students’ fault. President Nguyen suggested asking for monthly budget updates from SPB instead of direct oversight. Junior Senator Nadesh Vaithianathan motioned to fully fund SPB $172,130. Senator Phillips seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
Commencement Committee Proposal
Vice President Donya Ahmadi presented a funding request of $2,780 on behalf of the commencement committee to pilot an Uber initiative for undergraduate commencement. The initiative will provide each graduating student a $5 voucher that can be used for a one-way trip to or from campus on May 13. Uber will only bill the commencement committee for used vouchers. When Senator Phillips asked why the committee was requesting funding from SGA, Vice President Ahmadi explained that as a university committee, it does not have its own funds. Sophomore Senator Ella Charbonnet motioned to fully fund the commencement committee $2,780. Senator Barkocy seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
Library Beautification Project
Blaine Martin presented a funding request for the library beautification project for $9,720. The project will revamp the outdoor space on the fourth floor of the library by planting a variety of plants through a collaboration with Gardopia — a local nonprofit that helped revamp the Storch community garden. The funds will cover the costs for 12 large pots, eight medium pots, six hanging pots that will sit on the railings, a buffer amount, installation labor and maintenance labor for one year. Gardopia will maintain the library green space for the first year, then transfer care to a student organization. During questioning, Advisor Jamie Thompson pointed out that the project does not have a designated account to move funds to and suggested that since Martin would be unable to apply for an account without creating a registered student organization, the funds could be transferred to the library account. Martin indicated that he would investigate the account issue. Senator Charbonnet motioned to fully fund the library beautification project $9,720. Sophomore Senator Harrison Tinker seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Advisor Thompson pointed out that this is the first time the Senate ever funded a buffer amount and recommended requesting clarification monthly on how that line item is being used.
Trinity Diversity Connection (TDC)
Senator Tinker motioned to fully fund TDC $42,842.19. Senator Charbonnet seconded and the motion unanimously passed.
Greek Council
Senator Vaithianathan motioned to fully fund Greek Council $29,660. Senator Charbonnet seconded and the motion passed with one abstaining.
Trinity University Student Ambassadors (TUSA)
Senator Phillips motioned to fully motion TUSA $26,890. Senator Rubovits seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
Recreational sports
During deliberations, the senators reviewed the end-of-year wages for William H. Bell Center employees, and noted that while the budget states that $15,000 in wages were pending, there is still $10,000 budgeted for wages that may not be spent by the end of the school year. Advisor Thompson recommended requesting a budget report at the end of the year and having recreational sports report any remaining budgeted student wages as rollover. Senator Phillips stated that he felt that their $500 advertising line item could be reduced to $200, and Senator Charbonnet agreed. Senator Van Ackeren motioned to partially fund recreational sports $216,000. Senator Vaithianathan seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
Senator Charbonnet motions to fully fund Trinitonian $64,750. Senator Rubovtis seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
Trinity University Volunteer Action Committee (TUVAC)
There was some discussion among the senators on whether the student activity fund should be used to fund Tiger Breaks. Senator Phillips pointed out that giving TUVAC the funding to take on Tiger Breaks would benefit SGA in the long run, since there is a possibility that Tiger Breaks would become a registered student organization if TUVAC does not absorb it. Senator Vaithianathan motioned to fully fund TUVAC. Senator Charbonnet seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

My name is Alejandra, and I'm a senior majoring in Neuroscience. I initially joined the Trinitonian as a first-year and worked my way up from a Sports...