Before beginning the meeting, Senior senator Harrison Tinker took attendance and President Joy Areola welcomed everyone back. She went on to introduce the agenda, and opened the floor to senators for climate check.
Sophomore senator Patricia Hermoso complimented Trinity’s dining and its improvement. President Areola replied that SGA had worked with Chartwells last year for feedback and encouraged senators to continue that this year.
Senior senator Jackson Delhagen commented that with the construction on campus, there is no accessible parking, especially near the more accessible dorms. President Areola suggested that they start by reaching out to Residential Life to address the issue.
Senior senator Trinity Hatchett expressed that she would love to see a few senators at the Disability Inclusion Fair from 9:45 to 10:30 a.m. tomorrow at the Magic Stones. President Areola seconded this wish to see senators at the event.
SGA Bylaw Revisions
After explaining the process of voting on changes to the Bylaws, senior vice president Allison Waters described the proposed changes to the SGA Bylaws, which will be voted on by the senate next week. The majority of the changes related to the wording for clarity. The following address the more significant changes.
The secretary position is proposed to be removed, and the responsibilities of that role to be incorporated into the chief of staff role, the biggest being the added duty of acting as chief historian.
The legislative relations chair has been proposed to be replaced by a small senator-led committee, the judicial chair to be added as a chairperson and the addition of a collaborations chair.
The attendance policy for senators intends to be altered. Vice president Waters explained last year’s attendance policy, and proposed that senators may be allowed two excused and three unexcused absences. If a senator is habitually absent, once, twice or three times, they will meet with the chief of staff, then the chief of staff and president and then face impeachment, respectively. Senator Tinker mentioned that senators can now see their absences in the shared drive.
Waters explained that previously, senators have received demerits for not abiding by the bylaws, but the new proposal was enacted through an accountability contract the senators signed during their retreat.
The parliamentary procedure has been added to the SGA Bylaws, rather than being in a separate document. Areola emphasized that they will still be reviewed annually.
Changes were offered to the funding article. One new addition prohibits organizations from asking for money separately for the same event to avoid the $1,500 threshold for funding requests in front of the finance committee. President Areola clarified the procedures for emergency funding meetings, and referred to issues SGA had last year regarding receipt submissions. The final change states that any activity involving SAF dollars must adhere to the student organization handbook.
Officer Reports
President Areola brought up the tailgate this upcoming Saturday, asking senators to show up and set up the day before.
President Areola explained how the senator vacancies in the 2025 and 2026 classes will be filled. Applicants will come to the SGA meeting next week to give a 2-3 minute presentation arguing for a position on the senate. The winners, voted on by the senate, will join the meetings the following week.
Junior Senator Dawson Wolff discussed the freshman year social, noting that students do not have availability right now. President Areola mentioned that last year’s freshman year social was a forum style, and she wants to make it less formal this year. She opened it up to comments from sophomore senators Patricia Hermoso and Madelyn Stovall expressed being fine with the event being held in Witt-Winn Hall and that the panel was a bit redundant last year.
Senator Delhagen pitched the voter engagement event happening on Sept. 17. President Areola encouraged senators to volunteer, and a conversation about volunteering for mascoting LeeRoy ensued.
Vice president Waters discussed TU Gaming Club’s formal reimbursement request for an event last semester, asking senators to vote on whether they were willing to hear their case, despite usually only allowing reimbursements within two weeks of the event. Junior senator Josh Mitra motioned to approve the request and hear TU Gaming’s case. The senate unanimously voted in agreement.