The SGA members dressed in Halloween costumes in honor of the meeting falling on the eve of Halloween.
Climate Check
First-year Senator Pilar Mier reached out to Trey Dunn, TigerCard Coordinator, who is now working to get an estimate of printing costs for students. Mier also shared students’ concerns over mold in the laundry room not being cleaned in response to complaints. President Joy Areola requested photographs from senators if they came across the issue.
Junior Senator Sabrina Cinque brought up locked Chapman study rooms. First-year Senator Nellie Clark will reach out to Bob Scherer, Dean of the Neidorff School of Business. In the meantime, students can access study rooms by going upstairs to request to have them unlocked.
Treasurer John Ferretti asked if there were any updates on TigerCards being able to access buildings. This was a follow-up from a previous meeting where senators expressed concerns about students’ safety if they couldn’t get into certain buildings during emergencies. President Areola is following up with TUPD over the concern.
Senior Senator Jackson Delhagen requested that alternative routes be clearly marked for students since the pathway from lower campus to upper campus through the elevator is changing. Jamie Thompson, dean of students, is contacting Andrew Wells, vice president for Student Affairs, to ensure the changes are marked on the campus map online.
Vice President Allison Waters requested that more items, such as handheld whiteboards, be available for checkout at the library front desk.
Funding Proposals
Loon-E Crew requested funding for their uniforms. They explained that they don’t collect dues because they believe that dance should be accessible for all students, and were therefore requesting money for both the core uniforms and other reusable costumes. Their initial request was for $1,873.31. Senators decided to reduce the cost by removing funding for the black leggings and long-sleeved white tops, believing that they were easily accessible at a cheaper cost and that students should make a payment to the club. SGA granted funding for $1,063.84.
Senator Delhagen disagreed with the idea that students should buy into the club and believed that essential items should be funded. He stated that students should be able to participate without having to buy in.
Staff Chat
Samantha Savoy, manager of Treasury and Planning and president of the Trinity Staff Engagement Council (TSEC), presented about TSEC to SGA. She stated that TSEC’s purpose is to advocate for Trinity University staff. She listed updates to staff’s paid parental leave, lactation policy and staff-specific awards post-COVID-19. TSEC is involved with philanthropy efforts such as Elder Tree, Warm for the Winter and the Salvation Army. They also host community events such as the Halloween Bash and the Jingle Mingle. Savoy stated TSEC is looking to be involved in more activities, as well as exploring more professional development opportunities.
TSEC is a group of 25 volunteers. Unlike the Faculty Senate which holds voting power and decision-making abilities, they can make suggestions, write up proposals and serve as an intermediary between staff and faculty.
Officer Reports
President Areola stated that she is working to improve communication with the student body and needs senators’ assistance in improving documentation of SGA’s efforts. She also announced that the SGA website is updated so the student body can now access meeting notes and agendas online.
Chief of Staff Harrison Tinker said major changes are coming to the SGA drive, including Bylaws and the Constitution of SGA formatting.