With the start of Aries season, a new fire is born. Take the time to set new intentions for the spring season. Have your main character moment during the next few weeks: This is where you channel your hard work from the previous year into shining brightly.
This week’s astrological events:
March 21 marks the beginning of Aries season and the spring equinox. Spring cleaning the old you is the theme. The equinox will be the catalyst for the feeling of new confidence. Plan out the rest of the year by setting goals and intentions through journaling.
March 27 sees Venus retrograde in Pisces. This shift from Aries to Pisces will cause conflicts to resurface. Take a breath, and it will be okay. Journal and reflect on your relationship with an open mind.
March 29 will be a new moon solar eclipse, and mercury retrograde re-enters Pisces: This is the last solar eclipse in this astrological cycle. Past feelings will resurface. That coupled with the mercury retrograde shift might confuse communication with others. There will be a struggle. Take it in stride.
Aries (March 21 – April 19)
Y’all will have a main character moment over these next few weeks. Be who you are, and have authenticity with your actions. Be kind to your past. Past relationships make up who you have grown into.
Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
The past will be coming from your subconscious this week. It might force you to reflect deeply on what has been happening. This might also force you to evaluate your goals and values so make sure you give yourself time to process and reflect through journaling and self-care.
Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
This week will feel like you have support from those closest to you. Spend time doing some volunteer work. But make sure to not let petty drama drag you into a mess. There will be a shift in relationships throughout the week. It might be scary, but keep your head up high and spend time reflecting.
Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
This isn’t just Aries’ main character moment; you will have a spotlight, too. If you have any massive opportunities appear this week, go for them. You might also feel a pull to past connections and struggle to manage the miscommunication and change occurring. Take the step to your future while making sure you can manage the stress. Self-care is your best friend.
Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22)
There is so much at your fingertips this week. Be on the lookout for those new ideas and goals. However, make sure to recuperate your emotions from stressful situations. There will be a lot of big feelings pulled to the surface this week. Make sure you take care of your needs and handle these feelings positively.
Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22)
There might be big news this week regarding opportunities you have worked hard for. Also, there might be tension forming throughout multiple relationships, which may force you to communicate clearly and work on the issues. It might cause confrontations, but it can be healing and a long time coming.
Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22)
The equinox might bring new energy into your relationships and life, creating deeper connections and illuminating new feelings. There might be an overwhelming sense of too much to do and too little time to do it. It might cause tensions in other relationships, but remember to breathe. Take a moment and reflect on the new energy.
Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21)
There will be a feeling of recognition from your close relationships during this week. There could be a resurgence of the past, so make sure you reflect as the past resurfaces. It might overwhelm you and make this week more of a struggle. Take the time for your hobbies and self-care.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21)
Confidence is your theme this month. Enjoy it. There might be a movement in the goals and dreams that you have put a lot of effort into the past few weeks, but don’t get bogged down in drama with those close to you. It might blow up even more. This is the time to make sure you speak clearly with those around you.
Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19)
This week might put a spotlight on your problems, but that might force you to confront and work through those issues. Set up new boundaries and connect with your chosen family. Also, it will be a rough week with old baggage making an appearance. Work through it healthily and calmly, and do not forget to journal it out.
Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18)
Inspiration is all around you, so find what strikes you and go for it. There might be feelings of inadequacy, but don’t give up. Pushing through to get back on track will be hard, but put that energy to use! Make sure you manage your time and energy well this week through breaks and self-care.
Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20)
This shift into Aries will cause you to look at close relationships and the current goals you have. There might be a need to reevaluate yourself, but don’t do anything drastic. Set boundaries and learn from your mistakes, which will help you get through this week. Be kind to yourself and your appearance.
Sources for horoscopes: