Welcome to Episode 3 of The Roar Within: A Trinitonian Sports Podcast! This episode features women’s soccer’s goalkeeping stud, senior Lauryn Lewis! Lauryn joins hosts, Scott and Cole, to dive into her career in and passion for soccer, before ending with a discussion on the best strategies for saving penalties. As always, the podcast includes a recap of recent Trinity sporting events and a preview of whats up next on the schedule for the Tigers.
The Roar Within: Episode 3
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About the Contributors

Scott Lebo, Sports Reporter
HELLO! My name is Scott Lebo (he/him), and I am a sports reporter. There hasn’t been a day since I started middle school that I haven’t spent at least half an hour talking about sports, so I promise I am knowledgeable on the topic. I’m a junior from Colorado Springs majoring in political science with an interdisciplinary second major combining the sports management and education minors and finally a minor in history.
Outside of the Trinitonian I work in the athletic center coach’s office, announce both women’s and men’s soccer for Tiger TV, and play defense for the club soccer team. A fun fact about me is that I plan to work as a boarding school teacher in the future following in the footsteps of both my parents and my dad’s parents (very original I know).

Cole Isaacson, Sports Reporter
My name is Cole (He/Him) and I am a sophomore Communications major with a Sports Management minor from Las Vegas/Colorado Springs. I am a sports reporter for the Trinitonian this year.