On March 2, the Harold D. Herndon first-floor GroupMe received notifications about an all too familiar event: the toilets in some rooms started leaking sewage water, leading to standing water in resident rooms.
The toilets leaked both on Oct. 22 and on March 2 as a result of blockages in the pipes. Residential Life, on behalf of Facilities Services, informed students via email that the toilet leaks are from residents flushing items that should not be flushed such as wipes, even if marketed as “flushable.”
For the most part, different rooms were affected this time from those on the Oct. 22 event. Pilar Mier, first-year political science major and Herndon resident, had stillwater in her room in October and was surprised a similar issue happened twice within a year.
“I didn’t want it to happen to me, but it did, and I would never wish that upon anyone else,” Mier said. “If it happens a second time in such a short span of time, that means there’s a problem that needs to be fixed.”
In October, the source of the leaks wasn’t as clear but Facilities Services determined that it was not a pipe issue. The problems start with what gets flushed. Toilet paper is thin and constructed to break down when it goes through pipes.
Residential halls are shared spaces, and everyone has different habits they bring to dorm living. Stephanie Keith, assistant director of housing operations, stated the existing plumbing structure cannot be changed, but students can adjust how they interact with it.
“The buildings are the same, the pipes are the same, but guess what? The students change every year. Students and habits and behaviors change every year,” Keith said.
While Herndon residents may be used to plumbing problems, there isn’t always a clear outline of what students can do in this situation. Mier stated that there should be more guidance when students sign up for housing.
“What really upset me [in October] was that some of my stuff had been ruined,” Mier said. “I think having a clearer outline of what’s expected from the students to be able to maintain their own living quarters, even under any surprise circumstances, is really important.”
The topic of purchasing renters insurance for dorms has come up in SGA meetings. Nellie Clark, first-year communication and business double-major, iterated that students should be prepared for what could happen at the beginning of the year.
“I don’t think we’ve talked too much about [renters insurance] before, but I do think that we should,” Clark said. “I think that it would solve a lot of problems … when their floors are covered in water and they lose the belongings that they have on the floors.”
On page six of the housing license agreement, it is recommended that students obtain renters insurance. It reads:
“Trinity University strongly recommends that Students have renter’s insurance. Renters insurance provides valuable protection for personal belongings that are damaged or stolen.”
In light of recent events, information about renters insurance has been added to Residential Life programming at events such as Tiger Takeoff in the summer. Keith stated that renters insurance is an option for students because Trinity’s insurance won’t cover everything.
“There’s a limit to where the university coverage ends, and then the personal responsibility of the human in the space comes into play,” Keith said. “We need to start having more conversations with our students before they get here around renters insurance.”
People not living in Herndon may see these issues and think negatively of the residence hall. Mier stated that living in Herndon isn’t as terrible as some think it is.
“I mean, obviously, you hear these horror stories, and you think you never want to live there. But apart from it, it’s honestly, honestly not that bad.” Mier said.