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The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University



The Trinitonian is the independent, student-run newspaper at Trinity University. We are dedicated to providing honest, unbiased journalism to the Trinity community. Over 40 editorial and advertising staff combine efforts to publish 26 print issues on a weekly basis during the academic year.

We maintain social media feeds on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.


To make decisions for their lives at the University, students must have access to accurate information and be able to engage in unfettered exchange of ideas. The student-edited press, accountable to the community through an equal-number student and faculty/staff Board of Campus Publications acting as publisher, provides information and a forum for discussion and exercises the student right to freely seek answers to questions.

Statement on Student Rights and Responsibilities

Adopted May 2010

The Trinitonian has been Trinity University’s sole independent student-run news publication since 1912. Our purpose is to serve as a campus communication link between students, faculty, staff and other readers during the academic year; to inform the Trinity University community of campus events and developments of importance and general interest; to provide a forum for free and open exchange of ideas and opinions; to provide an innovative learning experience in a laboratory environment which emulates that of a professional newspaper.

Preamble, Board of Campus Publications Charter, approved 1990

(A copy of the full Board of Campus Publications Charter can be found here.)