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The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


Cayley Mandadi, center, is surrounded by her Chi Beta Epsilon sisters during the 2017 Greek Kick-Off on the Coates Esplanade. file photo

After months, an arrest and some answers in Mandadi case

Grace Frye March 1, 2018

CONTENT WARNING: Candid descriptions of physical violence and sexual assault follow. Four months after the death of sophomore Cayley Mandadi, 22-year-old Mark Howerton was charged with murder and aggravated...

GRACE FRYE is shown wearing the outfit she chose to test the theory that you can become more productive by wearing the same outfit everyday. photo by STEPHEN SUMRALL-ORSAK

Dressing for productivity

Grace Frye September 21, 2017

What's for breakfast? Should I walk to school or ride my bike? Is today a makeup day or not? Should I get up right now and work out or sleep for another hour? These questions, plus at least a hundred more...

Sears strikes a silly pose as she strolls between her various classes and training sessions at Keesler AFB. Photo provided by Maddie Sears.

Junior shares details of semester spent studying and serving at Keesler Air Force Base

Grace Frye November 14, 2016

Junior Maddie Sears starts her day every morning at 4 a.m. Instead of cramming for midterms and fulfilling various common curriculum requirements like other juniors, Sears has spent this semester in Biloxi,...

Students at the Trinity Progressives sponsored election watch party. Photo by Joseph Khalaf.

Moving Forward

Grace Frye November 14, 2016

"Build the wall!" "Is this "” " "Build the wall!" " "” our next "” " "Build the wall!" " "” president?" Amid calls to build a wall from one side of the room to tears...

Photo provided by Emily Wood.

Students studying abroad still complete ballots

Grace Frye November 8, 2016

For two weeks, junior environmental studies major Claire Burrus went off the grid. Without any internet or media access, Burrus was effectively cut off, not only from her loved ones back home in Houston,...

Deep in the art of Texas

Deep in the art of Texas

Grace Frye October 1, 2016

Since it's located 80 miles south of the self-proclaimed "Live Music Capitol of the World," it is easy to write off the San Antonio arts scene in favor of a short trip to Austin. Headlined with massive...

Photo by Claudia Garcia

You belong here

Grace Frye August 18, 2016

By Grace Frye and Jeffery Sullivan Benjamin Conway made his stencil on an unremarkable weeknight in November. Dressed in inconspicuous clothing and with spray paint in hand, the then sophomore set out...

Calm down: An interview with “Wild Child”

Grace Frye April 8, 2016

Fast-paced ukulele melodies mesh seamlessly with heart-wrenching lyrics crooned by Wild Child co-founders Kelsey Wilson and Alexander Beggins. Crowds of dancing fans with painted faces swish and sway to...

Light my fire: A Tinder experience

Light my fire: A Tinder experience

Grace Frye April 1, 2016

It was a fateful Sunday night when I created not only a Tinder profile but a Bumble one as well (why not start big?). After analyzing everything from best Tinder bios, to suggestions for building a spot-on...

Chronicles of an  "average" student

Chronicles of an “average” student

Grace Frye March 4, 2016

  The term "average" is thrown around a lot on a college campus. Professors laud 70 percent exam average. In math you discuss finding the average of a sequence of numbers. Students calculate...

Young, educated, and drunk: Interview with Sarah Hepola

Young, educated, and drunk: Interview with Sarah Hepola

Grace Frye February 26, 2016

Young, educated, and drunk. Young, educated, and drunk. Young, educated, and drunk. It's a sort of mantra that travels throughout the nation stopping at college campuses everywhere and implanting itself...

San Antonio First Annual Start Up Week

San Antonio First Annual Start Up Week

Grace Frye February 19, 2016

Last week marked the first annual San Antonio Startup Week. The conference pooled resources from over 20 different San Antonio organizations, with the 80/20 Foundation and Trinity's Center for Innovation...