Before I begin explaining why I didn’t enjoy the Welcome Week Concert, I will say that in no way is my dissatisfaction due to the Student Planning Board’s efforts. They did a fine job in coordinating a concert for the pure purpose of giving Trinity students a free concert and they should be rightfully commended for that. I will also say I generally don’t listen to the blend of music that Cashmere Cat is known for, so I will not claim to be an expert or a refined critic of his music. What I will say is that the two hours I spent on Prassel Lawn were not the most enjoyable for several reasons.
While logistically I could understand how Prassel Lawn seems like the most sensible place for the concert, I don’t think it’s the best. The acoustics of the area aren’t incredible for a concert venue, and I believe that in the future, hosting concerts on the Jim Potter Intramural Field or maybe on the baseball field would lead to more space, better accessibility and maybe a better atmosphere.
SPB has also taken some criticisms for the concert headliner “” Cashmere Cat. They made their choice based on a number of factors, including budget, logistics and realistic expectations. Anyone who has voiced that they “have no idea who Cashmere Cat is” or they “don’t like EDM and would much rather have X, Y or Z artists” are totally within their bounds to say those things.
What you should do with your disagreement about their choice of artist is to join the SPB. Instead of merely complaining, work to get an artist that covers the music tastes of more than 2,600 students.
Maybe the reason the concert wasn’t as “˜lit’ or “˜exciting’ as it could’ve been is because not a lot of people came to the event “” it feels as though an unfortunate amount of Trinity students don’t attend these kinds of events in general. People are busy with the all-encompassing reality of college, life, friends, significant others, family, sports and leisure time, and sometimes events like these slip through the cracks.
I am a firm believer that the quality of a concert or an event is more reliant on the crowd than the performer. I have been to concerts of artists I have never heard or knew existed, but when 700 people are screaming and dancing like the world is on fire, it doesn’t matter “” the pure energy of the crowd makes the music and the experience fun.

Sadly, I don’t think more than 300 people showed up to this concert. The lack of people created a rather tired and lackadaisical atmosphere that wasn’t all that enjoyable to be a part of. Without energy or passion, it felt less like music and more like loud, random noise being blasted at me.
However, I did see people having fun, not caring about the size of the crowd or who was playing and just enjoying the night and music. A main group of people were gathered around the mainstage and people around the edges continued to dance to every song with the same energy.
Cashmere Cat himself had some songs I did enjoy, from the varying beats to the interesting beginnings, but for the most part I can’t say he changed how much I like EDM as a whole. Like what I think is common with most EDM artists, he was mainly focusing on his table, swaying around as he changed some dials for the majority of his hour-long performance.
Music aside, I was mainly looking at the people in the crowd, looking to see how people were enjoying themselves. The overall quality of the concert seemed fine, and coupled with nice weather and some free t-shirts, it’s really all anyone could hope for. Truthfully, I just wish more people had come to the concert and had been active participants in the audience. The more people like that, the more fun everyone would’ve had.
This problem can be tied to a great portion of Trinity’s events. The problem is that people generally don’t go to events. I personally go to the soccer games because I have friends on the team and I go to the theatre events for the same reason, but I always see the same faces at those. While I haven’t memorized every single person who goes to these events, the problem of people not being involved in things beyond their scope is evident.
I am very much also a part of this problem. I haven’t been to a softball, basketball, football or volleyball game, all of which are filled with hardworking and dedicated people who deserve the entire student body’s pride and support. Trinity students should do their best to try and support their fellow classmates who all work hard in their individual niches, be they lectures, athletics or musical events. A part of what makes the school as unique and enjoyable for me is the unique and passionate student body, filled with a kaleidoscope of different people and activities.
If we, as a student body, tried our best to attend more events, whether they be sports or concerts or events or talks, it would make each of them a better experience for ourselves and the campus as a whole. Don’t get me wrong, it’s definitely great that the concert occurred at all, after its initial cancellation last month. But the Cashmere Cat concert didn’t have to crash, and if our student body was more willing to take the effort to participate in events around campus, I don’t think it would have.