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The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


graphic by Tyler Herron

From the Editors’ Desk: First as tragedy, then as farce

Editorial Staff September 7, 2017

There was once a time when students' access to campus was controlled by two simple variables: whether you had a key to your dorm, and whether the building's doors were unlocked. In 2001, the Association...

graphic by Tyler Herron

From the Editors’ Desk: Digital for you

Editorial Staff August 23, 2017

As we ring in the new school year, it's time to set goals for the semesters ahead. Some of us aim to get good grades, while others say they'll finally visit the Bell Center "” or at least start next...

graphic by Tyler Herron

From the Editors’ Desk: Care about your campus

Editorial Staff August 17, 2017

Community is a two-way street. You belong to the community and it serves you, but relationships are meant to be reciprocal. First-years, allow us to welcome you to Trinity University. You're now a part...

Why so serious?

Why so serious?

Editorial Staff April 21, 2017

As Trinity students, we have a lot to be proud of. Our women's basketball team has been almost National Champions for several consecutive years. Our tower is the second highest point in the seventh largest...

Cartoon by Julia Poage

Welcome, parents

Editorial Staff March 31, 2017

Welcome, parents! We are glad to have you here for spring family weekend. It seems a bit odd to be showing our families around our home and introducing you to our closest friends "” and realizing that...

Getting it together after break

Getting it together after break

March 24, 2017

By the time this paper reaches the stands, each student on Trinity's campus will have successfully made it through their first week after spring break. This deserves a congratulations!  While many "”...

Sugar-coated thoughts

Sugar-coated thoughts

Editorial Staff February 9, 2017

Love ballads, a hint of cynicism and candy cravings are in the air this week as we prepare our Valentine's Day issue. In the spirit of the holiday of love "” and candy "” we decided to stick to that...

You still belong here

You still belong here

Editorial Staff February 2, 2017

Back in August, we started the school year with our NSO edition. The theme was "You Belong Here." In November, Donald Trump was elected. Last month, he was inaugurated. This week,  he issued an executive...

New year, better us

New year, better us

Editorial Staff January 19, 2017

Has anyone ever kept a New Year's Resolution to the end? At our last meeting, no one on our staff could say that they had. The idea of starting each year as a new chapter of our lives, a fresh start or...

Editorial: Awkward indeed

Julia Elmore and Grace Frye December 2, 2016

December is a time for reflection. A time to look back, discuss and review how much we've changed in just 365 days. Earlier this semester we made a campus-wide call to make and keep awkward conversations....

Do you approve this message?

Do you approve this message?

Editorial Staff November 18, 2016

"An on-campus speaker gains a certain amount of privilege: they are given a platform where their ideas can be heard and respected. The political science department has extended this privilege even further,...

We do not pledge allegiance

We do not pledge allegiance

Editorial Staff November 7, 2016

During preparation for this Election Issue, our editorial board has discussed whether we would formally endorse a presidential candidate. Major national news outlets like the New York Times, the Washington...