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The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


Chiara Pride

Talking politics at Trinity University

Chiara Pride March 22, 2018

Texans do not like to talk about politics. The Annette Strauss Institute for Civic Life recently published the 2018 Texas Civic Health Index, which used the U.S. Census Bureau’s Current Population Survey...

Lutfi Sun

Come, let us be discovered

Lutfi Sun March 21, 2018

“Who perfected everything which He created and began the creation of human from clay” (Qur’an, 32:7). It was not from light like the angels, not from fire like the jinn. It was from the cold, lifeless...

photo provided by Clarissa Castaneda

Culture shocked at home

Clarissa Castaneda March 20, 2018

Culture shock is something that’s widely talked about and is to be expected by anyone who goes overseas. You’re going to another country with a different culture — possibly a different language —...

photo by Amani Canada

Benchmarking progress through culture

Gabriel Levine February 28, 2018

A permanent feature of modern life is technological envy. Due to the rate of technical progress and astute marketing, a new phone or computer only feels new for a few months until a newer, faster model...

Letter: Go out and vote!

Letter: Go out and vote!

Maddie Kennedy February 28, 2018

As a Trinity Progressive officer, one of my main aspirations is to encourage Trinity’s community to engage with local politics ahead of the 2018 midterm election cycle. A key part of this involves the...

illustration by Julia Poage, staff illustrator

Say yes to the press: Embrace Trinitonian interviews

David Tuttle February 28, 2018

Recently a colleague asked me for pointers on how to talk to the Trinitonian. It's a great question and hints at the trepidation some have when faced with being the subject of an interview. People want...

graphic by Tyler Herron

On atheism and reason

John Croxton February 28, 2018

In last week’s Trinitonian, Alexander Jacobs asked nonbelievers to answer the question: What specific evidence would make you believe in God? He argued that the universe points to the existence of God...

photo by Amani Canada

We can’t keep ignoring mass shootings

Theresa Ho February 27, 2018

My mom was the one who told me about the Florida shooting. She told me to look it up on the internet. Seventeen people were killed at a high school in Parkland, Florida by a teenage gunman on Valentine's...

The #MeToo moment: Time to re-examine our worldviews

The #MeToo moment: Time to re-examine our worldviews

David Pooley February 26, 2018

We finally — finally! — seem to be at a watershed moment for the abolition of tacit acceptance of rampant sexual harassment. It has been a long time coming, and there is reason for cautious optimism...

illustration by Julia Poage, staff illustrator

Celebrating 150 years of Trinity

Nick Santulli February 26, 2018

Trinity will celebrate its 150th anniversary at the beginning of 2019, less than a year from now. In the mind of a college student, 11 months can seem like an eternity. Within that time span, your course...

photo by Amani Canada

#MeToo at the Conservative Political Action Committee

Manfred Wendt February 26, 2018

“A conservative is someone who stands athwart history, yelling 'Stop!', at a time when no one is inclined to do so, or to have much patience with those who so urge it.” - William F. Buckley The above...

An atheist’s answer to Alex

An atheist’s answer to Alex

Alexander Bradley February 25, 2018

Atheist here, responding to Alexander Jacobs’ question addressed to atheists: “What specific evidence would make you believe in God?” Allow me to begin by stating that these views are mine and mine...