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The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


Flashback Fridays aim to foster community

Flashback Fridays aim to foster community

Isabel Chavez October 14, 2020
The Diversity and Inclusion Office (DIO) hosts virtual Zoom jam sessions every Friday
Alli Roman resigns from director position

Alli Roman resigns from director position

Kathleen Creedon January 23, 2020
Diversity and Inclusion Office will remain open; search to rehire begins
Photo credit: Genevieve Humphreys

DIO hosts Solidarity Summit to encourage community development

Jolie Francis February 27, 2019
Faculty and students hope to continue Trinity’s community growth
(left to right) Gigi Hermon, Sophia Elsadig, Aria Gaston-Panthaki, Anthony Tresca, Jude Casanova Photo credit: Matthew Claybrook

Girls just want to have blood

Noelle Barrera February 20, 2019
An in-depth review of the latest lab show directed by Sarah Bastos