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The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


“No ethical consumption” is no justification for spending

“No ethical consumption” is no justification for spending

America is addicted to “things.”
Ashwini Vivek, Opinion Columnist February 23, 2023

Like many other Western countries, we are driven by an urge to consume and possess goods, regardless of whether we need them or not. Since World War II, America’s economy has been dependent on spending,...

Making Greek Life more inclusive

Making Greek Life more inclusive

Ashwini Vivek, Opinion Columnist February 9, 2023

“We are committed to relationships built on trust through transparency, accountability and mutual respect.” That is a part of the mission statement of the National Panhellenic Conference, an organization...

Why getting ethnic names right matters

Why getting ethnic names right matters

Ashwini Vivek, Opinion Columnist October 20, 2022

Growing up in America with an ethnic name means you constantly have to be ready to give up some part of your heritage to make yourself more palatable to schools, jobs or even just people you meet in passing....

Life finds a way, but should it? The ethics of genetic engineering

Life finds a way, but should it? The ethics of genetic engineering

Ashwini Vivek, Opinion Columnist October 6, 2022

Most people have seen — or at least know the premise of — the “Jurassic Park” franchise. Man tries to bring back dinosaurs from the dead and ends up pushing the limits of science too far, with...

School districts are becoming less inclusive: what next?

School districts are becoming less inclusive: what next?

Ashwini Vivek, Opinions Columnist September 8, 2022

Grapevine-Colleyville Independent School District (GCISD) in North Texas is known for a few things: racist jokes against Hispanic students, firing their first Black principal and recently enacting a policy...

Cultural conquest: Britain’s hold on imperialist tendencies

Cultural conquest: Britain’s hold on imperialist tendencies

Ashwini Vivek, Opinions Columnist April 14, 2022

We’re taught in history classes that imperialistic conquest is a thing of the past, something that happened once and is now over. What we aren’t taught are the real, long-lasting effects that European...

How to truly “do no harm”

How to truly “do no harm”

Ashwini Vivek, Opinion Columnist March 31, 2022

Growing up, the only thing I ever wanted to be was a doctor. To me, that was the ultimate goal, the highest achievement I could reach. In my mind, doctors were the paragon of morality, sacrificing time...

The ethics of Terraforming Mars

The ethics of Terraforming Mars

Colonizing space has unintended consequences
Ashwini Vivek, Opinion Columnist February 24, 2022

Space travel and exploration have always been the stuff of science-fiction, movie and TV franchises making it seem like something for the distant future. However, advances in technology, the rapid pace...

LGBTQ+ representation in Euphoria

LGBTQ+ representation in Euphoria

Despite controversy, the HBO Original is a source of queer visibility
Ashwini Vivek, Opinion columnist February 17, 2022

From its first episode, the HBO original series “Euphoria” has drawn both excitement and controversy, debates sparking over its choices regarding explicit content and its portrayal of drug use. People...

Astrology: More than a white-washed trend

Astrology: More than a white-washed trend

Aesthetics have selectively separated culture from pop trends
Ashwini Vivek, Opinion Columnist November 18, 2021

Growing up as a person of color in a mostly white setting, especially when you don't practice Christianity, is to grow up doubting yourself. From elementary school, I remember being told that my religion,...

It’s time for children’s TV to live up to its potential

It’s time for children’s TV to live up to its potential

Children’s shows have the opportunity to teach empathy and soft skills
Ashwini Vivek, Opinion Columnist November 4, 2021

In a world where devices are necessary for everyday life, it’s almost impossible for a child to grow up without television. With so much exposure, television offers a great way for kids to learn, not...

We need to diversify English curriculum

We need to diversify English curriculum

Ashwini Vivek, Opinion Columnist October 19, 2021

The first time I read a book for school about South Asian individuals, by a South Asian author, was my senior year of high school. “The Namesake” by Jhumpa Lahiri followed a wife and husband that immigrated...