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The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


A staff member disinfects surfaces in Mabee with an electrostatic sprayer. Photo credit: Kate Nuelle

Facilities Services sanitizes, cleans campus

Rachel Poovathoor September 18, 2020
Classrooms, common areas, residence halls undergo daily cleaning and sanitization.
Previously, on SGA: The Grand Finale

Previously, on SGA: The Grand Finale

Kathleen Creedon April 23, 2020

The following covers the meeting on April 22.This was the final SGA meeting of the year, and both current and incoming SGA members were in attendance.PASS/FAILFor the past couple of weeks, SGA members...

Photo credit: Andrea Nebhut

Students react to Chick-fil-A’s presence in Revolve

Kathleen Creedon April 4, 2019
Students discuss the popular restaurant in the wake of its removal from San Antonio Airport services contract