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The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


DAN FORREST delivers a lecture on his personal journey to become a composer. Forrest himself creates his music by keeping personal voice, financial need and the needs of the audience in mind. photo by CHLOE SONNIER, staff photographer

Living composers present music to campus

Georgie Riggs January 17, 2018

“I’m not really sure there are music notes, or where they exist in time and space,” said Forrest Pierce during his hour-long presentation at the Celebration of Living Composers held in Ruth Taylor...

(From left to right) BRIAN BONDARI, DAN FORREST, CARTER PANN and FORREST PIERCE discuss the various aspects that have influenced their creative processes. A common theme between the composers’ inspirations was the importance of simple phrases used to guide their music. photo by Chloe  Sonnier, staff photographer

Celebration of Living Composers Series: Panel

Bobby Watson January 17, 2018

Unique and creative minds met on Trinity's campus, discussing their passions and inspirations both in their music as well as their lives. As part of Trinity’s Celebration of Living Composers Series,...