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The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


Illustration by Andrea Nebhut, staff illustrator

A personal journey balancing school and health

Dulce Davis April 22, 2018

I am in the Class of 2019, but I first came to Trinity in 2011. I was out of school for several years due to mental and physical health issues. I wish that I could say I left as soon as I noticed something...

photo by Henry Pratt

The responsibility of tolerance

Dulce Davis April 11, 2018

Last May, I experienced a major life change. As exciting as this life change has been for me, it has proven tricky to share with my friends and loved ones. When I converted to Christianity by asking Jesus...

photo by Henry Pratt

What can be done about killer college workweeks?

Dulce Davis April 7, 2018

Students attend universities to learn and to work. But as adults and high-paying clientele, students should be able to have reasonable expectations for this experience. If we consider the student’s week...