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The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


Something sinister this way comes

Something sinister this way comes

Noelle Barrera November 15, 2018
Witches, feminism and dubious historical reimaginings meet in Guadignino's "Suspiria"
On the way to her office, Claudia Stokes, professor and chair of the English department, found this poster hung up in Northrup Hall. Photo provided by Claudia Stokes.

Flying in the face of fascism

Kathleen Creedon December 6, 2017

Members of the Patriot Front, a self-described fascist organization, hung flyers bearing white nationalist messages around campus on Monday. One poster featured a map of the United States and the text...


Handling U.S. history the German way

Daniel Weber September 20, 2017

Right now, the U.S. is in a crucial moment in history. In a few years, people will look back at 2017 and point to the actions being taken with regard to resolving an issue as old as the nation itself:...