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The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


Photo credit: Andrea Nebhut

HUMA: The only FYE the university needs

Maddie D’iorio February 21, 2019
The First Year Experience is to teach strong writing and research skills, which is the bulwark of the HUMA class
Illustration by Noelle Barrera, news reporter

Reflections on my first year at Trinity

Noelle Barrera April 26, 2018

This May, my first year of Trinity comes to a close. Papers from long-forgotten classes will be thrown into the trash, friends will be said goodbye to, a scary-looking food particle from behind the fridge...

photo provided by Isaiah Mitchell

In defense of dead white literature

Isaiah Mitchell April 25, 2018

My good friend and archenemy Manfred Wendt wrote an article a couple of Trinitonians ago calling for another mandatory great books course, namely with more Plato and Shakespeare (assumedly metonymically,...

illustration by Julia Poage, staff illustrator

When HUMA isn’t enough: The great tradition and Trinity University

Manfred Wendt April 18, 2018

Trinity University prides itself on being a liberal arts college. This is publicly and proudly displayed all across campus and the university's website. A key part of Trinity's curriculum is the pathways...

A day in the life of the TLC staff

A day in the life of the TLC staff

Maggie Lupo April 11, 2018

Tucked away near the main entryway of Coates Library, the Tiger Learning Commons (TLC), new this year, is the hub of academic support for students on campus. The TLC includes Student Accessibility Services,...