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The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


Laundry room in Prassel with two "out of order" washing machines

The hidden crisis of unsustainability

Will Sharp, Opinion Columnist February 6, 2025

Clean washing machines, dryers, sinks, showers and A/C are expectations that we all set for wherever we might be living. For those who are lucky, you might have the luxury of a kitchen sink, noisy refrigerator...

Swiper no swiping! The laundry thief on campus

Swiper no swiping! The laundry thief on campus

Students are reeling after multiple laundry thefts in dorm halls
Monica Martinez, News Reporter February 15, 2024

This past month, there were four incidents of stolen clothes in Calvert and C.W. Miller residence halls. The clothes were taken from laundry rooms before students could grab their items. The thief is still...

The Laundry Thief: A modern-day Batman

The Laundry Thief: A modern-day Batman

Not the hero we wanted, but maybe the hero we deserve.
Diya Contractor, Copy Editor March 23, 2023

As an eerie feeling crawls up your spine, a force propels your body off your unbelievably uncomfortable twin XL mattress, and you remember you left your laundry in one of the communal machines. Normally,...