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The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


graphic by Tyler Herron

Letter to the Editor: Describing mental health

Harold Maio April 11, 2018

In response to Noelle Barrera’s April 4 column, “Admirable movement, flawed manifesto.” Three metaphors that are, to me, problematic appeared in the article. First, “According to the Guardian...

photo by Stephen Sumrall-Orsak

March for our lives: Admirable movement, flawed manifesto

Noelle Barrera April 4, 2018

On Saturday, March 24, I participated in March For Our Lives along with members of Trinity Progressives and other members of the Trinity community. MFOL was pioneered by Parkland students activists such...

photo by Stephen Sumrall-Orsak

Why I attended the March for our Lives

Emily Bourgeois April 4, 2018

It began like a normal day. I was in seventh grade at the time — 12 years old — and had stayed up the night before studying for a geography exam. The periods came: first, second, third and fourth....