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The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


graphic by Liz Day, graphics editor

Statistics on where and why Trinity students transfer

Noelle Barrera April 22, 2018

When students choose to transfer from Trinity to other schools, where do they go? Eric Maloof, vice president for Enrollment Management in the admissions department, explained some data collected by...

Members of the Coalition for Respect table in Coates University Center. The group has been raising awareness and advocating for more intimate conversations about assault on campus. Photo provided by the Coalition for Respect.

Coalition for Respect circulates sexual assault survey

Kathleen Creedon February 7, 2018

The Coalition for Respect is circulating its annual survey on sexual assault, which administrators hope will help improve the campus climate surrounding sexual assault. Last year’s report indicates...

Accessibility spotlight: Resources for addiction

Accessibility spotlight: Resources for addiction

Cathy Terrace February 7, 2018

Members of the social fraternity Kappa Kappa Delta have joined with Students for Opioid Solutions (SOS) to bring opioid awareness to campus. Kappa Kappa Delta have planned a fundraiser for SOS on Feb....