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The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


Photo credit: Kaitlyn Curry

Strike the FilmStruck iron while it’s hot

Rafaela Brenner November 14, 2018
Trinity community involved with film studies weigh in on streaming site's end
Textbooks stacked in the bookstore

Professors can assign their own textbooks, but not for long

Gabriella Garriga September 3, 2018
The faculty senate is drafting a proposal that could prevent professors from assigning their own textbooks to students.
If y'all aren't so keen on either of these, please let me know--I thought these two were the best, but I have some more to choose from. Photo credit: Elizabeth Nelson

SACSCOC reaccreditation moves forward

Kendra Derrig August 15, 2018
With process nearing completion, university works to improve the experience of first-years through the QEP
TDC discusses racial representation in comic books

TDC discusses racial representation in comic books

Cathy Terrace February 14, 2018

In anticipation of the opening of “Black Panther,” the first major film featuring a black superhero protagonist, Trinity Diversity Connection (TDC) hosted a diversity dialogue called "Who Gets to be...