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The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


Test-monitoring license to not be renewed

Test-monitoring license to not be renewed

Associate VP for Academic Affairs cites being dissatisfied with 'Orwellian dimensions' of technology
Emma Utzinger, News Reporter April 29, 2021

In the third semester of the COVID-19 pandemic, professors are still working to find a fair and equitable way to proctor exams and cut down on cheating in an online environment. Whether they are using...

Photo credit: Genevieve Humphreys

Search for dean of students begins

Dana Nichols November 11, 2020
Committee aims to make final recommendations by March
Photo credit: Rachel Kaufman

Students face less leniency with pass/fail requests

Emily Jamieson October 21, 2020
As the pandemic continues, students are facing more stress with less leeway than spring 2020
Photo credit: Nadia Crawford

Hiring process for DIO Director near completion

Neha Kumar September 3, 2020
The search has been narrowed down to three candidates who met with students to answer questions and discuss plans.
Admin. amends pass/fail policy for Spring 2020 courses following student feedback

Admin. amends pass/fail policy for Spring 2020 courses following student feedback

Kathleen Creedon April 23, 2020
Students vocalize concerns of academic stress and mental health
Previously, on SGA: The Last Meeting (Maybe)

Previously, on SGA: The Last Meeting (Maybe)

Kathleen Creedon April 16, 2020

The following covers them meeting on April 15.CLIMATE CHECKPresident Claire Carlson, junior, opened the floor to campus-related discussion and specifically asked how registration was going for SGA members....

Previously, on SGA: Party in the USO

Previously, on SGA: Party in the USO

Kathleen Creedon April 9, 2020

The following covers the meeting on April 8.This meeting was the first of two senate finance meetings for University-Sponsored Organization (USO) budget requests. Adviser Jamie Thompson reminded the Senate...

Academic Affairs extends withdrawal deadline, allows switch to pass/fail

Academic Affairs extends withdrawal deadline, allows switch to pass/fail

Kathleen Creedon March 30, 2020
A week into remote synchronous learning, uni aims to accommodate
Previously, on SGA: Not Up For Debate

Previously, on SGA: Not Up For Debate

Kathleen Creedon February 20, 2020

The following covers the meeting on Feb. 19.RETENTION AND GRADUATION RATEVice president for Enrollment Management Eric Maloof, associate vice president for Academic Affairs Michael Soto and dean of students...

Grad rate up three percent, admin says not high enough

Grad rate up three percent, admin says not high enough

Neha Kumar February 18, 2020
Last year at 69 percent, 2020 expected to be same
TU aims to improve standing

TU aims to improve standing

Gabriella Garriga November 7, 2019
Task force works on retention, graduation rates
Photo credit: Quinn Butterfield

Underclassmen cause majority of honor code violations

Jolie Francis August 30, 2019

Graphic by Quinn ButterfieldFirst-years and sophomores at Trinity have been the main perpetrators of honor council violations for the past few years. Specifically, about a fifth of the cases during the...