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The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


Photo credit: Andrea Nebhut

What to know about what we wear

Natalia Salas February 28, 2019
A brief introduction to the pitfalls of fast fashion
Photo credit: Andrea Nebhut

What did you notice?

Alexander Serna-Wallender February 27, 2019
Our new chaplain uses poetry to process his return to Trinity
Photo credit: Genevieve Humphreys

Deplatforming: a losing political strategy

Benjamin Collinger February 21, 2019
In response to Benjamin Gonzalez's column "Your 'free speech' is denying mine"
Photo credit: Andrea Nebhut

HUMA: The only FYE the university needs

Maddie D'iorio February 21, 2019
The First Year Experience is to teach strong writing and research skills, which is the bulwark of the HUMA class
You will make it through

You will make it through

Sarah Erickson February 21, 2019

Content warning: Mentions of suicide, depression and drug use follow.I have a small tattoo on my right wrist. People usually don’t notice it — or, if they do, they think it is a birth mark....

Unity in politics

Unity in politics

Editorial Board February 14, 2019
Take a breath and learn why you disagree with some people.
Photo credit: Andrea Nebhut

Your “free speech” is denying mine

Benjamin Gonzalez February 14, 2019
Fighting for the right to deplatform hate speech
Photo credit: Genevieve Humphreys

#NotAllMen is harmful to women

Natalia Salas February 13, 2019
It's not about good vs. bad men, it's about seeing the larger systemic problem
Being independent, unbiased

Being independent, unbiased

Kathleen Creedon February 7, 2019

It’s come to my attention recently that the Trinitonian’s mission may be unclear. Primarily, it seems to be unclear that we are an independent and unbiased publication. I can see where that...

Photo credit: Andrea Nebhut

Historians offer perspective

Thomas Harvell-Degolier February 6, 2019

Illustration by Andrea NebhutHistory and historians are important in understanding the contexts of our modern world. They help us place movies and political events into context, and without the careful...

Photo credit: Genevieve Humphreys

Are we entitled to entertainment?

Kayla Padilla February 6, 2019

Illustration by Genevieve HumphreysIt all started at a tennis tournament. I was waiting for my match to begin when one of my teammates asked, “Why don’t you have any social media? You’re...

Photo credit: Andrea Nebhut

Public schools are in crisis

Natalia Salas January 30, 2019

Illustration by Andrea NebhutImagine you’re a public school teacher. You most likely wake up every morning at an ungodly hour to go teach at a school with the few resources you are given and the...