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The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


Close the laptop, get away from the desk, go outside

Close the laptop, get away from the desk, go outside

We shouldn't wait for an eclipse to enjoy our time spent in the great outdoors
Ashwini Vivek, Opinion Columnist April 18, 2024

During the recent solar eclipse, millions flocked to fields and front yards, equipped with eclipse glasses and excitement. The event drew people away from their homes and workplaces to witness a natural...

Healthier living: Professors go outdoors

Healthier living: Professors go outdoors

Professor King shares thoughts regarding a healthy lifestyle
Daniel Itkins, Pulse Reporter October 16, 2023

Chains, gravel and 4,275 feet of altitude gain summarized the journey to Trinidad, Colorado for Jonathan King, chair of health professions, Rubén Dupertuis, school of arts and humanities dean and Harry...