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The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


Presence is a program that is intended to help student organizations become more involved with their audiences on campus. The program collects information from Tiger Cards to help organizations learn more about the people attending their events. Photo by Kathleen Creedon, news editor.

Organizations check in with Presence

Cathy Terrace January 17, 2018

Student organizations now have access to register potential and current members on a new software system known as Presence, Presence, a program intended to help students manage their organizations more...

James Bradley is the new chief information officer. Photo by Chloe Sonnier

James Bradley named Trinity’s first Chief Information Officer

Kendra Derrig September 12, 2017

James Bradley became Trinity University's first chief information officer (CIO) on Aug. 28, ending a national search led by Danny Anderson, president of the university. "I've only been here two weeks,...