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The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


illustration by Yessenia Lopez, staff illustrator

Let’s get kinky

Sam Ortiz February 7, 2018

Valentine’s Day is here and talk about love and sex is not in the air. People are whispering in dark corners, afraid to be verbal and casual about conversations of the sexual nature. Why is that? I set...

Students form club to learn about American Sign Language

Students form club to learn about American Sign Language

Sam Ortiz February 7, 2018

When first-year Zoe Lacey graduated from high school, she was excited to continue taking American Sign Language (ASL) courses in college. Upon arriving at Trinity, however, Lacey realized there were no...

Graphic by Tyler Herron

Computer science struggles with increased enrollment

Kendra Derrig November 7, 2017

Just five days before registration for the spring semester, the schedule for computer science courses was finalized. Prior to the near last-minute update, a series of emails to majors and faculty members...