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The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


Musician spotlight: Emily Averyt’s musical problem solving

Musician spotlight: Emily Averyt’s musical problem solving

Growing as a person through years of playing violin
Savannah Wahlgren, Arts Editor November 4, 2021

Emily Averyt, a junior violin performance and biology double major, has been playing violin since she was just five years old. Raised by parents who are both violinists, Averyt has been surrounded by music...

Kirsteine Victoriano (left), Julissa Ramirez (middle) and Joelle MacDonlad (right) practice their show.

Theatre students put on performance of ‘Bags’

Directed by senior Kathleen Arbogast, the show involved a small cast of 3 actors
Savannah Wahlgren, Arts Editor April 21, 2021

This past weekend, three actors took to the stage in Trinity’s Attic Theater to put on a production of Anne V. McGravie’s one-act play, Bags. Set in 1980’s Northern Ireland during a time of intense...

Photo credit: Kate Nuelle

Queer coding of American classic horror films

Savannah Wahlgren October 28, 2020
Older filmmakers often turned to queer coding to communicate with their audience
Josh Rea, Jordan Frederick. Photo by Claire Sammons

Acting with your body: how theatre classes adapt to face masks

Savannah Wahlgren September 30, 2020
New safety requirements push students taking in-person theatre classes to act with more than just their face
The cast gathers to record voice-overs Photo credit: Kate Nuelle

Cast of “Gaia” embraces masks in performances

Savannah Wahlgren September 23, 2020
Students and faculty involved in production navigate the challenges of performing in face masks

TUPS’ First Years Putting on Theatre prepares for a virtual shows

Savannah Wahlgren September 16, 2020
TUPS hopes FYPOT helps to replicate sense of community amidst remote learning and social distancing.
Photo credit: Gracen Hoyle

Life lessons learned from inside a psych ward

Savannah Wahlgren September 10, 2020
During my junior year of high school, I spent eight days in a psychiatric hospital. Apart from a new set of coping skills and thought exercises, I managed to learn a few things along the way.
Photo credit: Andrea Nebhut

Classical music slaps: You guys are just mean

Savannah Wahlgren November 15, 2019
It’s a Saturday night in November, the middle of the concert season for symphony orchestras around the United States. The concert hall is full of expert musicians ready to performance perfection, but there is no audience. No music rings around the room. No applause greets the players as they finish. The concert hall is dark and empty.
Photo credit: Matthew Claybrook

Getting the lowdown on Top Naach

Savannah Wahlgren September 26, 2019
The dance group mixes community, culture and learning in an effort to create a family
Hannah Hsu

Trinity’s newest A capella group takes the stage

Savannah Wahlgren September 20, 2019
Senior Hannah Hsu establishes Soli Deo Gloria, a Christian singing ensemble
Photo credit: Ren Rader

The cultural importance of Dracula

Savannah Wahlgren September 5, 2019
How the popular vampire trope is a lesson in "otherness"