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The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


Coach's Corner: Dylan Harrison

Coach’s Corner: Dylan Harrison

Brian Yancelson October 31, 2019
Meet the former Trinity soccer star and current leader of the women’s soccer team
First-year defender JESSICA YOUNG attempts to get the ball past a Texas Lutheran University defender. 

Fresh faces fill women’s soccer team

Alejandra Gerlach October 3, 2019
First-year players outnumber other grade levels creating unique team lineup and atmosphere
#22 Andrea Codispoti (JR), #29 Michael Pham (FY) Photo credit: Matthew Claybrook

Men’s Soccer registers historic win

Megan Flores October 3, 2019
Head Coach Paul McGinlay earns 500th career victory at Trinity
Jessica Young Photo credit: Matthew Claybrook

Women’s Soccer splits weekend games

Alejandra Gerlach September 26, 2019
Big victory over rival TLU hints at what is to come as conference play nears
Photo credit: Ren Rader

SA, a second home to Mexican soccer

Brian Yancelson September 19, 2019
Opinion: The Alamo City continues to prove it’s deserving of more pro teams
Katrina Lieberman, #9 Sara Flynn, #8 Emily Ellis, #11 Avery Tuggle Photo credit: Matthew Claybrook

Trinity athletics kick off fall competition

Megan Flores September 10, 2019
Tigers offer an in-depth look at their upcoming schedules

Hey, Chelsea, don’t forget about the youth

Jonah Nance September 2, 2019

In the world of soccer, there is much to say and think about youth team integration. Most, if not all, soccer clubs in England have youth teams, where top youth prospects play. In an ideal and perfect...

The Ups and Downs of the Champions League

The Ups and Downs of the Champions League

Austin Davidson February 21, 2019
How the once great competition has now become stagnant
The Ballon D'or, Messi and what it means to be the best

The Ballon D’or, Messi and what it means to be the best

Austin Davidson February 13, 2019

I have watched soccer since I was 13 years old. Back then, I was naive to how the this game would impact my life and how it would become one of my greatest passions. As I became more and more enthralled...

Following your team

Following your team

Austin Davidson January 22, 2019

This break I spent a lot of time watching soccer, specifically Everton, the team I support. Everton is in the British Premier League, and they have recently been giving a master class in how to be truly...

Senior McCaleb Taylor takes a walk with first-year Gabriel Dominguez. Taylor prioritizes serving as a source of support for his teammates. Photo credit: Megan Flores

No. 5 Tiger Soccer Finishes NCAA Playoffs in the Third Round

Megan Flores November 29, 2018
Trinity's Men's Soccer bids farewell to the class of 2019
A semester as a fan, a semester as an editor

A semester as a fan, a semester as an editor

Austin Davidson November 28, 2018

To completely cover both the spring and fall sports of 2018 in 700 or so words would trivialize how much has happened this past year. While I wish I could highlight all the incredible feats that the Trinity...