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The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


Farewell to the Past

Farewell to the Past

Thomas Harvell-Degolier May 2, 2019

photo provided by Thomas Harvell-DeGolier I’ve found my academic home at Trinity studying history. The department is dedicated to helping students and is filled with amazing people. Over my four...

Photo credit: Genevieve Humphreys

From Tiger to WildCat

Thomas Harvell-Degolier April 25, 2019
Becoming flexible in the graduate school application process
Photo credit: Genevieve Humphreys

History with a Tweet

Thomas Harvell-Degolier April 4, 2019
Using social media as a tool in the academic realm
Singers of Wealth and Privilege

Singers of Wealth and Privilege

Thomas Harvell-Degolier March 20, 2019
How the latest college admissions scandal shows the undeniable privilege that wealthy students are given
Photo credit: Andrea Nebhut

Historians offer perspective

Thomas Harvell-Degolier February 6, 2019

Illustration by Andrea NebhutHistory and historians are important in understanding the contexts of our modern world. They help us place movies and political events into context, and without the careful...

Photo credit: Genevieve Humphreys

We must listen to Native American experiences

Thomas Harvell-Degolier January 23, 2019

Recently, while reading "Fault Lines: A History of the United States since 1974," a new book by Kevin M. Kruse and Julian Zelizer, professors of history at Princeton University, I was struck by the absence...

The Witching Hour

Thomas Harvell-Degolier November 11, 2018

It’s the witching hour, folks. With recent reboot of "Charmed," and a reimagination of "Sabrina the Teenage Witch," a president with scandals and a controversial new member of the Supreme Court,...

Photo credit: Andrea Nebhut

The fallacy of boys will be boys

Thomas Harvell-Degolier September 26, 2018

“Boys will be boys.” Four short words that are commonly used to excuse actions that can hurt someone grievously for a lifetime. And when a woman comes forward to testify, to share the truth...

Watergate and Fox News: Echoes of the past

Watergate and Fox News: Echoes of the past

Thomas Harvell-Degolier September 11, 2018

Shocking revelations and event after event revealing duplicities from the White House that leave the nation glued to their screens watching investigations unfold — though these details correspond...

The End of the Straight Talk Express

The End of the Straight Talk Express

Thomas Harvell-Degolier August 29, 2018

One of my first political memories occurred during the 2008 election night when I thought John McCain, the former senator of Arizona, was winning because of all the red states on the map. Like most 11-year-old...

Standing in the aisle, looking towards the garden Photo credit: Elizabeth Nelson

The Advent of Coeducation and Trinity University

Thomas Harvell-Degolier August 15, 2018

History matters. It shapes how we think and the institutions that surround us. This column will focus on the impacts of history and how it shapes our world. To start with, I will look at the founding of...