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The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


Jackpot! Nathaniel Pigott: Beatboxer, fiddler, world traveler

Jackpot! Nathaniel Pigott: Beatboxer, fiddler, world traveler

Logan Crews November 21, 2019
This Trinity senior has truly done it all
graphic by Tyler Herron

Trinity prepares for traditional holiday concerts

Georgie Riggs December 4, 2017

Though our thermometers might not show it, the Yuletide season is upon us and it is high time for some cozy Christmas music to figuratively warm us up. This weekend, the Trinity music department will host...

llustration by Yessenia Lopez

How multi-talented students maintain momentum

Austin Davidson November 9, 2017

Everyone at Trinity University is busy. Whether this is due to school, athletics, extracurriculars, Greek life or maintaining a social life, none of us seem to have enough hours in the day to get everything...