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The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


photo provided by Clarissa Castaneda

Culture shocked at home

Clarissa Castaneda March 20, 2018

Culture shock is something that’s widely talked about and is to be expected by anyone who goes overseas. You’re going to another country with a different culture — possibly a different language —...

Brenda Ramos smiles as she crosses the Metropol Parasol bridge in Sevilla, Spain during Trinity’s first semester-long study abroad program in Spain last fall. photo provided by Katsuo Nishikawa

All the world is your classroom

Bladimir Ruiz January 28, 2018

I am a first-generation college graduate. I grew up in a poor family in Venezuela, and was fortunate enough to have a grandmother who pushed me to continue in school. I went to college, I even went to...