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The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


It’s time for children’s TV to live up to its potential

It’s time for children’s TV to live up to its potential

Children’s shows have the opportunity to teach empathy and soft skills
Ashwini Vivek, Opinion Columnist November 4, 2021

In a world where devices are necessary for everyday life, it’s almost impossible for a child to grow up without television. With so much exposure, television offers a great way for kids to learn, not...

Photo credit: Ren Rader

From Florida to California: ‘Baskin’ in the light of the dance floor

Joshua Anaya September 23, 2020
Tiger King’s Carole Baskin stirs controversy after making debut appearance on Dancing with the Stars.
What were the best TV shows of the decade?

What were the best TV shows of the decade?

Austin Davidson November 21, 2019
The top five TV shows of the decade are a rarified mixture of grim storytelling, lucid animation and moving ideas