Finals are hard. Eat a vegetable.


It’s that time of year again. It seems like everyone on campus is suffering from some form of allergies, be it a runny nose or a relentless cough. While seasonal allergies are nothing new, this round of spring sniffles feels significantly more pronounced—partially because it comes on the heels of the removal of Trinity’s mask mandate.

It was only earlier this semester that everyone was wearing masks and one poorly timed sneeze led to COVID-related anxiety. In a lot of ways, it feels like the removal of our masks has allowed the spread of allergy symptoms throughout the student body—as if our immune systems are weakened after wearing masks for so long, leaving us more susceptible to the seemingly limitless amount of pollen that the oak trees around campus are shedding.

Whatever the cause of these widespread symptoms, it has highlighted the importance of prioritizing physical health. For college students, grades and schoolwork are often the bottom line, resulting in concerns like physical health being put on the backburner in favor of studying.

In many ways, this is part of the college experience. Terrible eating habits, little to no sleep and being perpetually stressed and busy are all considered “staples” of being a college student. For many of us, it’s all too easy to sideline our own physical health and push through for the sake of academic achievement.

The problem is that ignoring your health can actually be detrimental to your academic success. But even if that weren’t the case, grades are not more important than your physical well-being. As we move into the last month of school and finals steadily approach, it is important that we all remember to take care of ourselves. Drink water, eat a vegetable and get a full night’s rest—even if it has to be with Nyquil’s help.