Meet Queenie, nacho average mascot

LeeRoy’s drag fursona reintroduces herself to campus, spices up Trinity tradition

This piece is entirely satirical. Read the rest of our April Fool’s edition, the Trinibonian, here.

We all know LeeRoy as Trinity’s friendly neighborhood tiger-man, who says a tiger can’t change his stripes? Last Wednesday, March 22, Coates Student Center was host to a tiger wearing fishnets, stilettos, and painted claws who appeared during nacho hour in lieu of LeeRoy.
This tiger, who set up a speaker and vogued to the song “Wild Animal” by Jessi, proudly introduced herself as Queenie — LeeRoy’s drag persona.

Reactions in Coates were overwhelmingly positive. Although some students described initial confusion about LeeRoy’s absence, many voiced their full support once they learned about Queenie’s identity.

“At first I thought she might be LeeRoy’s sister or cousin, but as far as I know he’s never missed a nacho hour,” Jimma Hartley, senior feline gender studies major said. “When I learned she was LeeRoy, though I was amazed. I mean, look at her. She’s absolutely serving [redacted].”

LeeRoy spoke about deciding to appear as Queenie, saying he felt like it was the right time for her to make her debut.

“Most people don’t know this about me, but I’ve actually been Queenie for decades,” LeeRoy said. “I used to have her show up at events every now and again, but I was scared to for a long time. But after finally deciding to bring her back, I couldn’t be happier.”

Queenie’s first appearance at a campus event was in 2003, when she attended the university’s first-ever Chocolate Fest. At the time she preferred to keep her identity as LeeRoy hidden, and continued to do so until 2007, when it was revealed by a rival mascot during a basketball game.
After being outed, LeeRoy distanced himself from his female side, and his public appearances as Queenie ceased. A Trinibonian journalist interviewed LeeRoy in 2009 about Queenie’s Chocolate Fest debut in 2003 in which he says that while it was him dressed up as Queenie, he didn’t consider himself to be doing drag.

“I want to make this very clear: I’m a man. I’m a male. I’m a he,” LeeRoy said. “I was young and I had fun at a festival.”

Now, though, LeeRoy has changed. In his interview this year, he says he regrets that he was ever embarrassed to be Queenie.

“I’m done trying to disown her. Being a mascot in Texas means a lot of people see what I do, and people haven’t always taken kindly to drag around here, but I’m a lot more comfortable now,” LeeRoy said. “I’m happy to say that I accept Queenie as a part of me.”

Local mascots have voiced their support for Queenie following her reappearance, including Red the Cardinal from University of the Carnate Bird.

“I knew Queenie in the past … you could say we were close. We were pals. I just think we’re all happy she’s back,” Red said. “As mascots, you know, spirit and pride are our top priorities, and it’s really important to be true to ourselves.” (Red was asked about pictures of himself wearing heels, a wig, and a dress from 1998. He declined to comment.)

Queenie is back and better than ever, and she wants people to know why. Her appearance at nacho hour was also an act of protest following a canceled drag show at Texas A&W University, as well as to raise awareness for Senate Bills 12 and 1601, recent bills filed in Texas that would ban people from dressing in drag.

Some students were unhappy with this, claiming that LeeRoy’s appearance as Queenie was too political. Joanna Rowley, a member of the Conservatigers club, shared her opinion.

“I respect LeeRoy if he wants to dress as Queenie in private, but I feel unsafe with public cross-dressing. I’m alright with the fursuit, but putting on a dress is too much,” Rowley said.
But the critics leave LeeRoy unfazed, and he’s proud he was able to overcome his struggles and show his solidarity with the LGBTQ community.

“I’m quite literally a tiger that walks on two legs,” LeeRoy said. “I’ve gotta stand up for something.”