4. What do you call a werewolf interested in social justice?
6. THE nicest ghost
8. The most common sound on Halloween and a ‘96 horror movie
10. It happened to a cat in Harry Potter and it happens to you when you are scared
13. Movie that includes the famous line: “Here’s Johnny!”
14. What you’d call these puns and the movie where we met our favorite scary doll in ‘88
16. The title of an iconic ‘93 classic and a term for witchy activities
17. Who is the scariest bodybuilder?
19. What do ghosts drink at Halloween parties?
20. The genre of “Get Out” and the name of that one Michael Jackson song
21. Raincoat, button eyes, 2009. You know this one.
1. 2012 animated movie where a kid who talks to the dead saves his town from a curse (and zombies)
2. What is a mummy’s favorite music genre?
3. We’re only gonna put his name here once, twice more and he may appear!
5. The original came out in ‘82 and it’s what you can blame when your roommate’s favorite mug mysteriously breaks
7. What do you call Dracula when he falls for your prank?
9. What does a skeleton pass around at a party?
11. What was the unluckiest day of the year starting in 1980?
12. A ‘78 film with a lot of remakes, and the best day in October.
15. A study room and a 2018 thriller
18. What do zombies, witches, spiders and snickers have in common?
4. awarewolf
6. Casper
8. Scream
10. petrified
13. TheShining
14. Childsplay
16. HocusPocus
17. DrFrankenstein
19. maliboo
20. Thriller
21. Coraline
1. Paranorman
2. wrap
3. Beetlejuice
5. Poltergeist
7. sucker
9. ajoint
11. FridayThe13th
12. Halloween
15. AQuietPlace
18. theletteri