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The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


Admin. amends pass/fail policy for Spring 2020 courses following student feedback

Admin. amends pass/fail policy for Spring 2020 courses following student feedback

Kathleen Creedon April 24, 2020
Students vocalize concerns of academic stress and mental health
Six teams awarded Stumberg seed round prize

Six teams awarded Stumberg seed round prize

Kathleen Creedon April 24, 2020
Annual entrepreneurship competition continues virtually
Previously, on SGA: The Grand Finale

Previously, on SGA: The Grand Finale

Kathleen Creedon April 23, 2020

The following covers the meeting on April 22.This was the final SGA meeting of the year, and both current and incoming SGA members were in attendance.PASS/FAILFor the past couple of weeks, SGA members...

News brief: Zipcar leaves Trinity due to lack of use

News brief: Zipcar leaves Trinity due to lack of use

Kathleen Creedon April 23, 2020
Fewer than 20 monthly students used the service this fall
Former president Calgaard leaves large legacy behind him

Former president Calgaard leaves large legacy behind him

Kathleen Creedon April 17, 2020
Archive dive: Ron Calgaard in the pages of the Trinitonian and Mirage
Photo credit: Andrea Nebhut

Maury, the Maverick: Why one San Antonio mayor captured Trinity researchers’ attention

Kathleen Creedon April 16, 2020
Students collaborate with Comm. chair Jennifer Henderson to produce book of their research
Previously, on SGA: The Last Meeting (Maybe)

Previously, on SGA: The Last Meeting (Maybe)

Kathleen Creedon April 16, 2020

The following covers them meeting on April 15.CLIMATE CHECKPresident Claire Carlson, junior, opened the floor to campus-related discussion and specifically asked how registration was going for SGA members....

Previously, on SGA: Party in the USO

Previously, on SGA: Party in the USO

Kathleen Creedon April 9, 2020

The following covers the meeting on April 8.This meeting was the first of two senate finance meetings for University-Sponsored Organization (USO) budget requests. Adviser Jamie Thompson reminded the Senate...

University postpones graduation ceremony, will still give diplomas in May

University postpones graduation ceremony, will still give diplomas in May

Kathleen Creedon April 6, 2020
In-person commencement to be held August 8
Trinity donates personal protective equipment to local medical center

Trinity donates personal protective equipment to local medical center

Kathleen Creedon April 2, 2020
Masks, coveralls given to local medical center through alumna connection
Emergency fund created to help alleviate student financial stress

Emergency fund created to help alleviate student financial stress

Kathleen Creedon April 2, 2020
Committee has been reviewing requests on a daily basis
Previously, on SGA: Zoomin' On

Previously, on SGA: Zoomin’ On

Kathleen Creedon April 2, 2020

The following covers the meeting on April 1. CLIMATE CHECK Adviser David Tuttle asked if any SGA members had thoughts, questions or concerns regarding the university's decision-making during the...