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The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


Bell Center renovations challenge parking

Bell Center renovations challenge parking

Jeff Sullivan January 19, 2017

Parking spaces previously used for student and staff parking for the intramural fields and dorm buildings become subjected to closures for alterations 15-month renovations to the Bell Athletic Center...

It's our fault that the Trump Train ran us down

It’s our fault that the Trump Train ran us down

Jeff Sullivan November 14, 2016

Yesterday was the first day that passing a glimpse of live election coverage gave me the sort of blinding headache that's typically attributed to a bad hangover. When I saw Ohio shine red, I felt something...

Don't vote Johnson

Don’t vote Johnson

Jeff Sullivan November 7, 2016

Didn't it feel like she really had it? Before the latest email news flash, it felt like we could finally turn our election notifications off. Baloney that we can't. In fact, this whole situation is starting...

¡Por Vida! Makes Healthy Eating Easier

¡Por Vida! Makes Healthy Eating Easier

Jeff Sullivan October 14, 2016

Restaurants across campus are highlighting healthy eating options with ¡Por Vida! labeled foods. The program's stamp of approval signifies which foods meet their rigorous standards for the promotion of...

Photo by Web Editor Alex Motter

“New Initiative named Tiger Walk for a Safer Campus”

Jeff Sullivan September 26, 2016

Following the presidential election a group of Trinity students and professors have initiated the planning process for a new safe walk program under the pending name Tiger Walk. The program is currently...

Photo by Claudia Garcia; 
Katsuo Nishikawa, director of the center for international engagement speaks to students at the fall study abroad fair.

Trinity preparing Spain program

Jeff Sullivan September 25, 2016

Trinity students who want to study abroad in Spain will be offered an opportunity with the university's first faculty-led study abroad program to Madrid beginning fall of 2017. The developing model is...

Terrorism and red rhetoric

Jeff Sullivan December 5, 2015

The past month was plagued by tragically violent acts of terrorism. Outside the United States, ISIS successfully carried out three separate acts of terror. A Russian plane was destroyed in the sky above...

Advertisement and body image on campus

Advertisement and body image on campus

Jeff Sullivan November 13, 2015

I've got a few body image issues. In previous years I've struggled with what felt like overpowering acne that spread across my cheeks, I have a little more weight than what I'd consider personally ideal...

Jeff Sullivan has a Power Trip (interview)

Jeff Sullivan has a Power Trip (interview)

Jeff Sullivan November 7, 2015

For those unfamiliar with Power Trip, how do you describe the band?   I would describe Power Trip's sound as crossover thrash. I'd say our goal as a band is to blur the lines between Metal, Hardcore...

Chronic traumatic encephalopathy and violence in football

Jeff Sullivan October 30, 2015

If you knew of a specific activity that caused memory loss, confusion, impaired judgment, impulse control problems, aggression, depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts, parkinsonism and, eventually, progressive...

Reflections on “Prejudice Today”

Jeff Sullivan October 10, 2015

On September 30 I attended "Prejudice Today," a discussion-based event organized by the on campus groups Trinity Progressives and the Trinity Diversity Connection. The main topic of conversation was...

Pay attention to: Snapchat

Jeff Sullivan October 2, 2015

About once a week I have this sort of jarring realization that, for all intents and purposes, I am living in a previously unforeseen future. I live with technology that science fiction writers from decades...