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The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Student News Site of Trinity University


The Maverick Society: open to opinions and debates

The Maverick Society: open to opinions and debates

Cate Coe October 17, 2019
New club opens debate to students of all political perspectives
Photo credit: Andrea Nebhut

Meaningful climate solutions demand substantial change

Ian Dill October 15, 2019
A rejoinder to Ben Falcon’s “Capitalism is the solution to the global climate crisis, not the cause”
Photo credit: Andrea Nebhut

The market will not stop climate change

Carl Teegerstrom October 15, 2019
In response to “Capitalism is the solution to the global climate crisis, not the cause”
Photo credit: Andrea Nebhut

Capitalism is the solution to the global climate crisis, not the cause

Ben Falcon October 3, 2019

Illustration by Andrea NebhutLate last month thousands of young Americans voiced vehement outrage at the lack of action taken to address the global climate crisis. They left class, left work and occupied...

Photo credit: Ren Rader

Conservatism deserves better

Ben Falcon September 18, 2019

Illustration by Ren RaderIf you watched last week's Democratic presidential debate, you might think that the presidency is a highly sought after position. Which is true, in the case of Democrats, but far...

Photo credit: Andrea Nebhut

How many Democratic candidates does it take to be president? Not 20.

Ben Falcon September 5, 2019

Illustration by Andrea NebhutIn light of the recent stampede of Democratic presidential candidates dropping out of the race, one would hope that the field has finally been whittled down to the crème...

Previously, on SGA: First of Many

Previously, on SGA: First of Many

Kathleen Creedon August 30, 2019

The following covers the meeting on Aug. 28. President Ty Tinker, senior, began the meeting by reminding the Senate that SGA is looking to fill multiple positions, both in the Senate and the Cabinet, and...

Photo credit: Ren Rader

Confessions of a Centrist

Ben Falcon August 21, 2019

Illustration by Ren RaderIt never bothered me much in the past; in fact, I quite liked playing the role of the contrarian sometimes. People’s discomfort and confusion with my centrist ideology have...

Photo credit: Genevieve Humphreys

From sports to politics to animals to culture: Seven new RSO’s approved

Jolie Francis May 2, 2019
Indigenous People’s club, Animal Welfare club among 7 new student organizations
Photo credit: Genevieve Humphreys

YCT lines up lecturers to visit Trinity

Kendra Derrig February 21, 2019
Organization hopes to avoid controversy with future speakers
Previously, on SGA: Fresh Meat

Previously, on SGA: Fresh Meat

Kendra Derrig January 30, 2019

The following covers the meeting on Jan. 23.CLIMATE CHECKJudicial chair Julia Jameson, junior, pointed out the bad smell on the first floor of Coates Student Center. Adviser Jamie Thompson explained that...